January 2007

Expedition to the Barren Sky

Level: 65
Starting Zone: Tenebrous Tangle (Kingdom of Sky)
Starting NPC: Jabber Longwind

– Your first task is to speak with Jabber Longwind, who’s near the zone in to Barren Sky from Tenebrous Tangle. He sends you to talk to the Elders on Whisperwind Isle, located on top of the hideout. They will request that you seek out The Gentle Breeze by defeating The Ghastly Overcast on Cloudmist Island.

– The Ghastly Overcast itself is level 66^, and is located in the foggy area in the center of Cloudmist Island. If it is not already up, you will have to clear the placeholders, the nebulous hazes, until it spawns. After defeating the Ghastly Overcast, the Gentle Breeze will spawn. He requests that you obtain some items for him.

– The first is 10 uncommon auto-updates from the burrowers on Blackwind Isle.

– The second is 10 uncommon auto-updates from the Bloodscale Breeders on the Isle of Awakening.

– The last is 20 updates that must be mined from the blast-filled rock on Isle of Awakening.

– After collecting all the updates, you must return to the Gentle Breeze. You may have to kill the Ghastly Overcast again if the Gentle Breeze has already despawned. After speaking to the Gentle Breeze, return to the hooluk elders for your reward.

– his unlocks the 13th quest in the Claymore series, “The Great Egg Hunt.”

Return to the Murrar Shar

Level: 65
Starting Zone: Sanctum of the Scaleborn (Kingdom of Sky)
Starting NPC: Triggered Item

– Upon completing “Riddle of the Vault” you receive a Note from the Palace. This note is from High Priestess Harla Dar to Cyenadros, and states:

– Cyenadros, See to it that this crystal (a crystal of command that you also receive when opening the vault in the last quest) is destroyed after viewing its directive. We cannot have just any earth walker (you) prancing in here and dunking this gem into the spirit pool (The Pool of Spirits). – High Preistess Harla Dar of the Awakend

– You need to Peer at the Crystal but unfortunatly nothing happens so you need to find a place to Peer at the Crystal where it will do something. Goto The Pool of Spirits and jump into The Pool of Spirits examine the Crystal again to get the first update. The Crystal definitelty has magical properties, if not some form of creature inside of it. I need to take this Crystal and toss it into some sort of pool of apparitions, ghosts, ancestors, spirits or something! So throw it into The Pool of Spirits.

– After throwing the Gem into the pool, there is a spawn: Roughly translated Voice of the Sanctum, You have 1.5 min time to hail him.

Then return to the hidden refuge.

The Riddle of the Vault

Level: 60
Starting Zone: Sanctum of the Scaleborn (Kingdom of Sky)
Starting NPC: Xhorroz

– This quest is give by examing the Vault in the Lair of Scale which is high above the Gorge Pit (examine the Celtic Knot on the floor at the very top where Cyenderos spawns, +11,+320). This will give you 4 clues to update. the 4 pillars on the platform you’re on will have a mouse-over text on the back side of each, examine these to get the updates.

– You are now sent to retrieve 4 keys, these are updated by killing the Drakes on the floor below. This may take 1 or 2 spawns to get them all.

  • Hunt for the Copper Key (+46,+250). Kill the Furywing Drakota on the pedistal to get the key.
  • Hunt for the Silver Key (-29,+248). Kill the Furywing Drakota on the pedistal to get the key.
  • Hunt for the Black Key (-59,+279). Kill the Furywing Drakota on the pedistal to get the key.
  • Hunt for the Gold Key (___,___). Kill Koturah the Furywing Drakota on the black pedistal to get the key.

– Once you have the keys, insert them in the celcitc knot, this then has you find the draconic staves. (The gold key is from Koturah the named drake, the other 3 are just normal updates off the other drakes.)

– These are Ceremonial Darslayers, have a 5 min respawn, and are scatttered throughout the Sanctum:

– Once you get all four keys head back up to the Vault and try and open it. You are unable to turn the lock there is something writen on the vault:

“When the staves of the yore scales meet the vortex of scaleborn, When the four arms are raised, Only then shall the maw of fortune release itself.”

– Serach Sanctum of the Scaleborn for Dragon Staves ther are spread out the entire Sanctum.

  • Darlslayer One: Ready Room (+196,-57)
  • Darlslayer Two: The Oratorium (-12,+90)
  • Darlslayer Three: The Oratorium (+31,+90)
  • Darlslayer Four: Scaleborn Barracks (+199,+41)
  • Darlslayer Five : Chamber of Animation (-176,+56)
  • Darlslayer Six: Chamber of the Diviners (-251,+244)
  • Darlslayer Seven: Fountian of the Awakening (-57,+180)
  • Darlslayer Eight: The Hall of Rites (+8,-47)
  • Darlslayer Nine: Pool of Spirits (+157,+144)
  • Darlslayer Ten: Pool of Spirits (+149,+143)
  • Darlslayer Eleven: The Gorg Pit (-14,+303)
  • Darlslayer Twelve: The Gorg Pit (+36,+302)
  • Darlslayer Thirteen: Upper Ledge of the Gorg Pit (-12,+290)
  • Darlslayer Fourteen : Upper Ledge of the Gorg Pit (+29,+290)
  • Darlslayer Fifteen :Upper Ledge of the Gorg Pit (+12,+290)

– According to the riddler of the dragon stave, the Darlslayers must be placed in the Scaleborn Vortexes to be closer to unlocking the Scaleborn Vault.

  • Scaleborn Vortex One : Mouth of the Sanctum (-16,-67)
  • Scaleborn Vortex Two : Mouth of the Sanctum (+38,-67)
  • Scaleborn Vortex Three : Chamber of Animation (-148,+54)
  • Scaleborn Vortex Four : Chamber of Animation (-148,+54)
  • Scaleborn Vortex Five : Chamber of Animation (-148,+54)
  • Scaleborn Vortex Six : Chamber of Animation (-148,+54)
  • Scaleborn Vortex Seven : Hall of Rites (-19,-2)
  • Scaleborn Vortex Eight : Hall of Rites (+29,+13)
  • Scaleborn Vortex Nine : Room of Recovery (-145,-157)
  • Scaleborn Vortex Ten : The Audience Chamber (-54,+339)
  • Scaleborn Vortex Eleven : The Audience Chamber (-37,+295)
  • Scaleborn Vortex Twelve : The Audience Chamber (-10,+255)
  • Scaleborn Vortex Thirteen : The Audience Chamber (+43,+267)
  • Scaleborn Vortex Fourteen : The Audience Chamber (+50,+382)
  • Scaleborn Vortex Fifteen : The Audience Chamber (+33,+377)

– Now you must find the four arms to raise near the titanic dragon pedestal.

– After placeing all these you need to raise the arms, examine the pillar at the bottom center of the gorg pit. This initates a timed quest. you have to hit all the buttons of a specifc type in the time limit, doing so immediatly initates another timer for another set of buttons. The order is white, black, red and blue. Do not let the quest text fool you though. Graphically ALL the buttons are red. If you are having a hard time seeing them, Options > Model Detail > then increase the top two options. When you complete the first set, the timer for the second set begins.

– First set (White)
1 east
1 west
2 south

– Second set (Black)
4 south

– Third set (Red)
4 east

– Fourth set (Blue)
4 West

– White is the hardest as there are 2 runes on the south wall, and then 1 rune on the west and east walls.

– The black dragon runes are on the south wall. The red dragon runes are on the east wall. The blue dragon runes are on the west wall.

– Once your try the Vault you are able to finish and get your reward You recive your choice of a legendary chest peice, a note from the palace, and a crystal of command but Three Green Dreadknights pop on you one up arrow and two regular at level 70 you should have no problem.

Trading Information

Level: 60
Starting Zone: Sanctum of the Scaleborn (Kingdom of Sky)
Starting NPC: Xhorroz

– First update is examining a book called The Chant of the Exarchs (-17,-211) in the Exarch’s Seclusion (the ones with the froggies just off the The Hall of Rites).

– After Examining the book The Chant of the Exarchs you must kill Exarch Trulnariz Once you kill him you will need to find four keys from the Scaleborn Harbingers that spawn in the same room. This is a crapy part cause you don’t get the update everytime.

– After you get all the Keys from the Scaleborn Harbingers you go back to unlock the book The Chant of the Exarchs but it is too heavy So you need to get paper (8 Droag Wings, Any Droags) and chalk (8 Charcoal Clumps) These are located in the room to the right from the Exarch’s Seclusion. It’s called the Banisher Prepatory you will find the harvest items (Charcol Clumps) in the sand by the eternal aegis. If you are having trouble getting the Charcol Clumps in the Banisher Prepatory you can also get them in the sand in the Ready Room by the eternal aegis in that room.

– Once you fine all the Chalk and Paper you need to go back to the Exarch’s Seclusion and transcribe the tome.

– After you Transcribe The Chant of the Exarchs you need to find a Droag who can help you translate the map. Take the map to a Scaleborn Blasphemer in the Scaleborn Cell.

– Now venture to a Banishing Chamber and swipe a sacrificial blade from the Ceremony Weapon Rack (-174,-181). This is in the Recovery Room. The Ceremony Weapon Rack is half way up the wall in the back of the room after The Book of Sacrifice. Slay Scaleborn Ritualists and dip the blade into the corpes. The Scaleborn Ritualists can be found closest in The Hall of Rites. But can also be found in other places around The Sanctum of the Scaleborn such as the Pool of Spirits. Once you have killed enough Scaleborn Ritualists you need to put a sacrificial blade back into the Ceremony Weapon Rack. After you put a sacrificial blade back you need to go back to a Scaleborn Blasphemer in the Scaleborn Cell.

– The Scaleborn Blasphemer sends you to get an empty archwraith crystal in the Reservoir of Wraith (+115,-158). After your grab the empty archwraith crystal you need to destroy Tormented Wraiths until you one of their souls as a quest update. After you get the soul then you need to use the empty archwraith crystal to view at the Coded Map so that you can read it.

– After you have read the Coded Map you need to hide the Coded Map some where.

Hide the Coded Map in the Talonflight Armory you can hide the Coded Map in The Tome of Scaleborn Tactics (-49,+199) after you hide it return to Xhorroz to complete the quest.

A Scalding Hot Encounter

Level: 60
Starting Zone: Sanctum of the Scaleborn (Kingdom of Sky)
Starting NPC: Xhorroz

– Xhorroz will give you this quest after “An Uneasy Alliance.”

– The Scalding Hot Encounter involves finding and examing 3 sets of dread knights who spawn for people on the quest on three seperate blue trap things in the hallways near The Hall of Rites. A Droag Skeleton will spawn, examine him and a group of 3 down arrow heroic mobs will spawn and attack if you are not invised.

  • There is one on the left towards the Groag Pit (-33+,227).
  • There is one on the way to the Spirt Pool (+59,+101).
  • Go through the Hall of Rights and it’s down the room on the right. Open the door and go into the hall and you will find it there this one is tricky you may need to get really close to get the update (-59,+58).

– Do this at the 3 locations and then you have to search for the vault on a Big Gold Dragon Statue in The Hall of Rites.

– This is the Big Gold Dragon Statue (duh!) as you enter The Hall of Rites. The Vault is on the back of the Big Gold Dragon Statue The lower panel closest to the gorg pit (the ring event, sanctum trial stone) you can examine to update the quest. Return to Xhorroz for your reward.

Speak to Xhorroz again to open up “Trading Information.”