Well hello Innoruuk! #EverQuest

EQ000086My paladin had been camping plane of hate for the past four days, trying to get the thought destroyer to spawn, or rather, waiting for the mob to spawn. There’s no place holders and the only thing you can do is wait. I placed my ranger on the spawn point because at least that way I could track, and the ranger is on my second account so my main account was at least free for other adventures. After three days of checking in I finally found the mob up and managed to get my drop. This means I can continue on with my epic quest although right now I’m working on soulfire which is another part of the paladin 1.0 epic.

I was hoping that Maestro would be up because then I could work on the paladin 1.5 pre-quest but I wasn’t quite that lucky. I did catch the hand of maestro up, that mob is used in the warrior epic quest. I looted the item because you can MQ it, and who knows maybe one day I’ll actually have a warrior.

Anyhow. As luck would have it, Innoruuk also showed up on track! I didn’t really need to kill this boss, but I wanted to, so badly. So I logged my paladin in, and the ranger took out her tank mercenary, and we set out to first defeat the false Innoruuk, and then the real one after. The mob was still a red con to my 70 paladin, and a light blue to the ranger at 89. While these encounters are far easier than they would have been for their time, there is still a challenge – which is exactly why I’ve been playing EverQuest these days. There were some tricky moments when I wasn’t sure if the paladin was going to make it, or if the mercenary may die, and I did have to use lay hands to keep the tank up, but in the end we won, and ah what a feeling that was.

I tried to camp a few more named in the hopes that a corrupted emerald would drop for the ranger, but alas my luck in EverQuest has never been that great. For now I’m content to move on with the paladin epic.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Epics and Anguish #EverQuest

EQ000083Ah, Anguish. The early part of my weekend was spent completing this zone as my enchanter, duoing with Oger, a shadowknight. We were there for a few reasons but top of that list was to obtain some orbs for the epic 2.0 that I hoped my paladin would eventually get. I boxed my ranger along for the ride, she also needed an orb. When the names fell I swapped out for the paladin to get loot. The gear was a huge upgrade over what I was wearing, and I was pretty excited about the whole ordeal. I was also pleased as punch that we managed to solo the final two named in the zone, we’re not raid geared at all and mercenary are not allowed – but the hardest part is that these mobs can deathtouch unless you cure. Thankfully my weak ranger cure was enough to take care of it.

The paladin also managed to earn her first 100 aa (slightly over, now) with Oger and my ranger in Bloodfields. It was a lot of fun, and I’m happily riding around on my new instant cast unicorn mount.

Later on in the evening we decided it was time to tackle the Paladin epic chains. I wanted to start with 1.0 and do them in order, but I quickly ran into issues. I need to complete Ghoulbane, not a problem. Also need to complete Soulfire. Not a huge issue. I need a handful of named mobs – I’m currently waiting on the thought destroyer in plane of hate. I was going to skip the 1.0 for now and begin the 1.5 pre-quest however that quest needs the Hand of Maestro almost at the beginning, and he wasn’t up when I was there yesterday. Either way, I have a lot of camping ahead of me. Thankfully I have both parts of the book of scale already, so I don’t need to camp any dragons. I’m also looking to start the epic quests on my ranger, but I’d really like to finish the paladin first. We’ll see how it goes.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

EverQuest Plushie Collection – Completed! #EverQuest

UntitledYesterday thanks to the help of Oger I managed to get the last few plushie I needed for my collection. At the moment these doll chests drop from mobs but you can also purchase them from the SC store. There is an achievement associated with them. I thankfully did not have to purchase a single one, I got more than enough drops as I quested. Once you have 9 different ones, a 10th unlocks, the Queen Plushie that’s on the far left hand side. Sadly I can’t display them on my lawn like I had wanted because they count as “pets” and each house can only have a small number of them outside, but they fit inside in a spare room easily enough.

The rest of my evening was spent doing a raid that I had never explored before. It was really quite fun! Oger, Nonpoint, Elte, and myself (along with a boxed character or two) made our way to Natimbi and then eventually to Tacvi, Seat of the Slaver. The zone drops some very neat class specific items, my paladin managed to get a new shield as well as the 2h weapon. My bard also got a 1h weapon, and nonpoint got his druid a weapon. I picked up all of the books in the zone (there are 14 total) and managed to get the achievement for The Fourteen Great Adventurers. I also picked up two of the hardest tongues to get for the Assistant Researcher’s Symbol as well as a component for BiC which is something I’d like to start sooner or later. Probably later, when I have more room in my bank to store all of the bits and pieces required for this quest.

I’m having a lot of fun going through older content now that I’m level 100 on my main character. Working through achievements to zones I haven’t seen in ages is something that I find quite relaxing.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Legacy Family – Day 2 #TS3 #TheSims3

Screenshot-180Even though a new Sims 3 expansion is out (Island Paradise) I decided that I didn’t want to neglect my new legacy family too much, so I went back and started playing today. As you can see by the screenshot above things are not exactly going well for this little sim. I couldn’t keep going to the neighbours place to shower and forage for food, they kicked me out again and asked me to leave. I figure spending money at the store buying pre-made food is probably not very healthy or money wise, so I came to a tough decision.

It was time to get rid of my walls.

It almost looks like I downgraded since now I don’t have a house at all, but at least I can shower, eat, and sleep. So what if there’s a raccoon pillaging my fridge in the night and everyone can see into the shower.

Things started getting even harder from that point. First of all I work as a dishwasher, so I don’t exactly make a lot of money and my promotions are heavily influenced on the mood my sim is in at work. Of course with no walls barely any food and $3 to my name as you can imagine my mood is not exactly very high. I’ve gone to work twice, and made about $140 each time. The second blow came when I realized that it’s “Leisure Day” tomorrow in game which means no work at all. Normally that’s how my sim passes her time, since she sure can’t afford to do too much. Hopefully the festival is not too expensive, maybe she can even win a hot dog eating contest and come home with a snow cone machine or some other handy item that I can sell.

In the meantime, lets collect those dishes and was– crap. I don’t have a sink.

Ding, a Level 70 Paladin #EverQuest

EQ000080Yesterday I decided I would try to get the paladin to level 70 – this lets me group up with level 100 characters, the current cap in game. I started out in The Undershore and then at 65 I moved over to Wall of Slaughter. There was the usual group of afk-levelers hanging out with their mercenary but aside from that the zone was relatively quiet. I boxed the paladin and the ranger together, along with the rangers J5 tank mercenary. There were two deaths when I got a bit too adventurous but for the most part it all went very well.

I also took down a raid mob that was in the zone that I didn’t realize was actually a raid mob until I started fighting it and noticed that the mob was dying very slowly (and my mercenary was dying not so slowly). I used the ranger emergency skills and managed to kill it before I wiped, yay. Sadly the mob is used for nothing more than someone else’ epic, so it wasn’t of any use to me but since I had pulled it by mistake to begin with I wasn’t that heartbroken.

This morning has been spent gearing the paladin up in defiant gear, the level 70-80 gear is incredibly cheap which is always a nice thing when you have as many alts as I do. I also went and purchased her spells and am now ready to brave Norrath once more. I have her set to 100% aa for the time being so I can try to catch up. Even at 70 there are a LOT of achievements I need. I’ll probably team up with Oger and do lower level zones that still grant him aa so that we can both benefit.

One of the best parts of being level 70 now aside from being able to group with a level 100 character is the fact that I qualify for the MGB buffs that get cast in the guild lobby (I believe 65 is the actual level you need to qualify). Sitting there for a little bit of time means when I go out exploring I am all ready. Still undecided as to whether or not I’ll work on crafting with the paladin, but I’m tickled with the progress so far.