Friendly Conversations? Maybe..

Depending on the character I’m playing, EVE tends to be a very quiet game (just an observation, it’s not a good thing or a bad thing). Today while I was shopping someone opened chat with me and wanted to ask some questions. I don’t think I had heard of them before, and I wasn’t really sure what they wanted. They asked about what happened to cause me to leave the large corporation I had belonged to and to head out on my own, instead. I told them it really wasn’t anything dramatic but that I was looking for something a bit more personal – I reached out before I left the corporation and no one even said anything to me (I didn’t want to just vanish, but turns out I could have and no one would have cared one way or another). Anyway, they talked about themselves for a bit and then I got called away to handle real life, so the conversation ended. I’m still not really sure how they found me or what inspired them to send me a conversation. It was me and 100+ other people in the shopping district, I wasn’t carrying anything of value, I had just dropped off some bits to sell and was cloaking around.

My extra cautious and paranoid self wondered if they were hoping to distract me while I jumped home, or if they really did just want to chat. It was an unusual interaction, and I’m still not really sure what to think about it.

Any way, things in EVE have been moving along at a good pace. In 1d22h I’ll finally have mining frigate V finished off, and then it’s on to shield upgrades V, caldari propulsion systems V, caldari offensive systems V, and caldari core systems V. That’s right, my Tengu subsystems are finally getting some love. It has only taken 9 years (whewps). I also checked out a comment regarding an event that is happening on April 20th, I’m hoping to make it! I’ll have to head out early to get some bookmarks set, but I’m thinking I might be able to get some neat screenshots. More about that event in the future!

As always, fly safe o7

Recipe Collecting (one faction at a time)

While we wait for S4 (or Pandaria Remix, or both) to get started, I’ve been working on completing my recipe collections (at least for horde, alliance will be a task for another time). A lot of recipes require faction that I do not have at exalted on my demon hunter (my LW/JC character) so I’ve been working through the list. Yesterday that meant I was working with The Sons of Hodir, and doing quests in Wrath of the Lich King. That one was pretty painless, I did a series of quests in Storm Peaks, and then unlocked the NPC who takes faction bits. The bits were only 90s each, so I bought 1.5k and easily earned my exalted status. Afterward I picked up the two recipes I needed, a few transmog pieces, and two mounts that I didn’t have.

Next I’m working on getting faction with Cenarion Circle, so I’m out in the old version of Silithus, questing. Eventually I’ll start turning in my encrypted text that I’ve been collecting, and that should add another 10 recipes to my LW collection.

Unfortunately some recipes are no longer in game with no way to obtain them (wild leather helmet, I’m looking at you) so unless things change I’ll always be missing a few, but in the meantime, at least I have a bit of direction in the game again.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Weekly Review [Apr7-Apr13]

There are some days where I just don’t feel like posting auctions. In the last year, those days have been pretty rare, but they do occasionally happen. I think it’s important to take breaks when you feel this way, and not feel pressured into continuing on in the same way if you’re not really into it. The slump I’ve felt while waiting for S4 is as good a time as any for a few days off here and there, I figured. The earnings for the week show that, with a weak 7.7 million earned in that time frame. I know, that’s actually a fair amount of gold still for the average player, but it is a few million below my personal average.

Patterns have started picking back up, whether it’s from collectors or people preparing for S4, I’m glad to see the uptick. Another blackrock bulwark made the list – this time for well above my usual average, it sold at 846k. A Tuskarr kite made the list too, which is great because for a while there the price had been incredibly low as Blizzard was just giving them away.

A small number of pets sold this round, but that’s probably because I need to restock and level up a few more. Armored Vaultbot, Jadefire Spirit, and the rare Indigo. I also managed to sell a mageweave bandage manual, I think it was the first time I’ve seen one sell in all the times I’ve listed it. Thank you collectors!

Blizzard just announced that Plunderstorm will be ending on April 30th, and that there’s double reputation gains until then – thank goodness. I’m currently sitting at renown 29, and I feel like I can easily reach 40 before the 30th if I just keep plodding along with my 1 renown a day. In the meantime, I’m hunting for my final LW recipe (it’s going for 1.9 million gold, and I’m reluctant to spend it in case Blizzard returns it in the future) hoping to catch it on a snipe. Aside from that, things are quiet.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Mount #426

Unlike my pet collection, I didn’t start caring about mounts until Dragonflight, so I’ve never really had much of a collection. This year I had hoped to earn 500 mounts BEFORE TWW released – that probably won’t happen, but I did manage to snag number 426 today! This is the Peafowl that was a part of the tenders for March, but I had frozen it because I couldn’t afford everything I wanted. I usually go for any pets I don’t have, and then slowly I work towards the mounts. It’s not a perfect system, but it’s been working out well so far.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Some Industry Splurges

Just like I do in World of Warcraft, working the market in EVE means I need to know what people are buying, and how much they’re buying it for. Watching YouTube videos may be a great introduction, but if all you’re doing is what everyone else is doing – you’re going to quickly find that market over saturated. The best thing for you to do is to figure out a small portion of the market that you can wiggle your way into, and then expand from there.

I decided to expand on what I had already been doing with industry just a tiny bit. My ammo can be crafted for cheaper than it costs to buy it – but that wasn’t the reason I went and picked up the BPO today. The main reason is because I go through a LOT of ammo, and I get tired of running out to the shopping district every time I want to buy more. The fact that it’s cheaper for me to craft it is an added bonus and just made sense, so I went and took care of that.

There’s a handful of ‘popular’ ships that also sell for a few million more than it costs to craft, so I added those to the manufacturing jobs that I already had running. I might keep one for myself as a spare. My PI takes care of another group of crafting, and I have some alts who are also getting situated when it comes to PI. Nothing much, but I don’t need them to be much. For now, at least.

I also learned about warehouse containers – fantastic, because at the moment my inventory is a disaster. I’d like to put BPO / BPC into a container and then just not look at them for a while, heh. I hate that they don’t stack, either, so those 600 T1 items I decided to invent into T2 take up a whole lot of room. Ideally I wouldn’t necessarily live in the same place I was doing my industry work, but I like it here, so that’s where I am. Having containers should help keep things in line. I thought I already had containers, but I must have emptied them ages ago.

Apparently I get to experience my first war dec first. I’m not really concerned, I’m already pretty paranoid no matter where / what I’m flying, and the thought that concord won’t be coming to my rescue isn’t really one I’ve ever really cared about. Especially since these days I’m almost always in jspace. No data/relic sites today, but I did get a lot of industry done, so it was a nice change. I haven’t had a lot of spare gaming time, but I’m doing my best.

Fly safe o7