
Mark of the Awakened.. what a pretty dragon

Doesn’t Stargrace just look wonderful here as a dragon? After having done the chain of quests with the warden, I wasn’t exactly that happy about doing them once again. I feel that way about a few of the T7 chains of quests, Claymore being the other huge pain, and the class hat quest being another. Anyhow.

A mark of awakening, starts in bone mire from an exiled droag. You have to be 60+ to start the quest. It has four trials to it, after you’re required to read 3 books first. First one is in SoS, the second in PoA, and the third in HoF, each one of those books has a little sub-quest (annoying might I add). Then the trials start. The first trial is the Trial of Alacrity. You basically invis to a back corner, stand there, and kill. Everything. Until at the end a named spawns. Power regen is the way to go. Next is the Trial of Endurance. You go through 15-20 rounds of mobs spawning until you spawn some named mobs. The third trial is solo and quite fun if you play any sort of caster / dps class. The Trial of Spirit reward you with a house item of a small white dragon exactly like the one you turn into. It also updates you for the final trial, the Trial of Leadership, which is an epic raid with x4 encounters. FAST respawns, your raid has to be on their toes.

With the coercer and warden at 70 I’m relaxing and enjoying the game again. I spent some time mentoring Defect’s alt, a dirge in guild who has a 35 necromancer. It was really fun to play my templar who’s been at level 61 for as long as I can remember now lol. Last night I also had fun playing with a small guild group, we just puttered around Sinking Sands working on various little quests. Willamina has fallen behind in tradeskilling and well, everything else for that matter, so I’m hoping to get her a few more sage levels if not adventure levels. Guild leader’s wife just had their first baby, so we’ll have to see how deathtoll goes tonight without him there.

Coercer hits 70… finally.

I finally managed it, my coercer Stargrace hit 70 this morning. So I now have the 70 warden and the 70 coercer, and eventually, maybe my templar necromancer or dirge will make it up there too. I spent the better part of the evening combing through the KoS zones for solo quests that I had not yet completed, then after I’d completed as much as I could I charmed those handy dandy corpse candles. Those things are awsome and any coercers best friend who is trying to solo. It’d have been even better if I had a master of my charm spell, but alas it eludes me and when it does get sold I’m sure it’ll be for a *lot* of money. It’s a level 62 spell.

So what’s in store now that I’ve finally hit 70 with my new “main” ? Hopfully, some time for fun stuff. Quests that I’d bypassed and wish I had the time to do, book quests, working the crafters, playing my templar for fun. Until the expansion comes out at least. Thankfully I’ll have time to enjoy my level, no cap raise (which is good and bad). Peacock and guild raids and all that wonderful stuff.

Sorry for the lack of posts lately, been slightly drained. More should be upcoming though!

Ricotta betrays… again

Ricotta standing at the welcoming party in Haven

I decided Ricotta was growing tired of Qeynos, and after she snagged the languages for all of the goodies, as well as all of the sage / merchant sold book quests, she started the betrayal back to Freeport. Now she’s snug and cozy back in the town of Haven, some caves that have all of the comforts of home (without any of the extreme comforts). I’m in no rush to work back up her Freeport faction, as the quests are pretty boring, but at least in my spare time it gives me something to do. It was nice that I remembered to buy those book quests first, I hate how only Qeynos or Freeport can do particular quests.

Raided HoS last night, what a horrible raid. If it could go wrong, it did. I wasn’t feeling all that great (touch of the flu I think) and I had said ahead of time that if we had more then enough people I would sit out. However, for the first time since I’ve joined the guild, only 24 people logged on vs the 30-35 or so we typically have on raids. I know a few are moving, and are sick, so it comes as no surprise. I was also asked to play my healer instead of the coercer, another small let down. People were off their game, running in places they shouldn’t have been running so that we got adds, aoe’ing when we had encounters mez’d and breaking them (subsequently those broken mobs ran around and squished healers who drew agro), and far too many fighter classes, not enough dps. We had 4 scouts, two were bards so they don’t put out a lot of dps, we also had 4 mages, two were enchanters, lack of dps again. 9 people were fighters. Ouch. Three of those I believe were guardians. One was a zerker. One was a shadowknight. With no enchanter in the off tank group (though we did have a dirge) my power regen was lacking and I spent the evening wearing my power regen gear instead of typical gear just so I could soak up every last bit of power I could. I went through over 50 clarity potions, and used my manastone, manastone 2.0 every chance I could. It was a long night.

Taking a break from the coercer lately, even though she hit 68, I have not been in the best of moods to level her. We’ll see how it goes. I started a brigand to get out of my funk, and two new tradeskillers. I needed a new tailor, an alchemist, and I’m not sure what the final class will be yet, but I think I may make an armorer. We’ll see I guess.

Peacock quests and all the rest

Stargrace killing one of the sages in a sub quest for Damsel in Distress

I like to do quests, most of the time. There are always some out there that prove to be exceptionally difficult for me, especially if they require groups and I’m not particularly in the mood to group, or they have goals that are just not obtainable. But I still quest. I decided as I was slowly leveling the coercer and waiting on a group, that I would start (finally) the peacock series of quests, for the Godking weapon, since apparently my guild will be killing him in a few weeks for people who still need those quests updated. It’s an epic raid for the final fight.

This quest is a long chain of 18 other quests, they start with an npc by the golden scepter, a quest called a damsel in distress. I’ve done the complete chain of quests on Silverstep already. In fact I did it at level 55 when the entire thing still warded a lot of exp and I did it in two days with a lot of help from friends. Doing it again with the coercer, is not that much fun, though it’s (so far) entirely gray to me, so it’s not difficult.

I’d much rather do this chain of quests, then do the claymore chain which is proving to be even more annoying. Whether this is because I currently have not only one, or two, but three of my characters doing this chain of 24 quests I’m not sure, but I need a break from it for a bit. My warden has been on PoA a star to unlock for quite some time. It’s a typical quest to hear people shouting for groups to complete. The coercer is in SoS still, a zone I now hate with a passion unmatched. The templar has just started the chain which means she has yet to enter SoS. Anyone who’s worked these quests to any extent understands my pain.

With the coercer at 68 I managed to snag a spot in our Deathtoll raid last night, we did awsome. One wipe on the corpuscle mob that splits at 54% into two mobs that you have to keep separated for the duration of the fight, and then also on Tarinax. Which I did not expect us to take down anyhow, but we did very well. Lots of pretties dropped, nothing that I felt like bidding my hard earned dkp on though. I’m saving for some pants a hat or a dress, any of those pieces would be nice upgrades to the coercer. Tonight is Lyceum, a zone that I don’t mind too much as long as we have a steady raid force with the healers on their toes as the MT gets some nasty trama dots that need to be cured right away. My only issue is that the fights last far too long, we need more dps, but it’s hard to drop anyone from the raid. We need our 8 healers typically and can’t afford to spare them. We have a surplus of warriors every raid unfortunately. We have dirges and 3 enchanters who are not exactly the best of dps’ers, and we could certainly use more. Constant raiders at that. We had no necromancers or conjurers who raided last night with us, and we could have really used their dps.

Other then that though, it was a great night. I like feeling as though we learned something in our encounters. I think it’s wonderful that we still have about 30 members logging on each raid night, it means we have to sit some out, however I’d rather that happen then be struggling to obtain a full raid.

Home sweet home..

An image from Silverstep’s house, just one of my favorite corners

I know I’ve been slacking with the posts, but I typically do on the weekends. So what’s been going on lately in game? Well, the coercer hit 67, and is 70% into her level, so hopfully she’ll get 68 today. What’s that mean? I’ve actually been raiding with her instead of the warden, and let me tell you, I love it. It’s a completely different game with the coercer, complete with a whole different set of worries and concerns. Instead of keeping the tank (or my group) up health wise, I’ve got the responsibility of keeping them up power wise. I do this with various spells at my disposal, mana flow, mana cloak, ease, and gorging thoughts as well as beholder’s eye. The guild has two enchanters who typically are always on to raid, but not on the weekends due to work. I’m sure I’ll still be asked to play the warden quite frequently, or asked to sit out, but in the mean time I’m enjoying it.

I also managed to get Roost access done on both characters this weekend. What’s roost? It’s an epic x 2 raid zone in Mystic lake, completion of the zone gives you access to the x 4 version of it. Apparently pretties drop quite frequently, I wouldn’t know since I’ve never been. It was nice to get those village of shin quests completed though and it gave Stargrace a huge chunk of exp / ap.

I was also promoted in guild from initiate (a two week period) to recruit. I’ll become a full member once I’ve gathered 50 dkp, I’m standing at 30 right now and have 100% raid attendance, so the only way for me to possibly have more would be if more raids were scheduled. I figure another week and a half and I’ll have my 50 and be a full member. As well as an active raider if I can keep my raid attendance up.

I didn’t get to do any crafting, or play my alts, but I’m hoping as I get even closer to 70 I’ll have more time for that sort of stuff. I feel the need to be 70 for the guild and what not which is sort of bad but meh. Long as I’m having fun (which I am). Saw the live update notes for the next one, should be spiffy, I’ll post more details later. For now, it’s off to quest!

Oh yes, the picture above.. a little niche in Silverstep’s house, that represents me in real life more then in game since I draw and write and all that creative stuff. The easel is a quest reward and I’ve placed a little guitar close by as well as some random paintings. I love the way it turned out, just needs some lighting. The rug on the floor is the quest reward from poets palace access, that ports you to the shimmering citadel, very worth it might I add.