
Screaming mace down

Decided it was well past time that I complete the screaming mace yesterday, having never completed this heritage quest on any of my characters before. Why slack so much with this particular HQ? Hrm. Not really sure. I’d done almost all of the HQ on Qutey, even the DoF one, but not this.

It took me about 5 hours to camp the first four named mobs that you need. While I was in Cazic Thul semi-afk and glancing at the screen to see if my mobs were up I noticed how exceptionally quiet that zone is. There was no one around, I saw maybe one group wander by. When I was leveling my characters up I had this zone as my zone of choice, I loved it. There are some great named that hang out, ring events, quests, and all the rest. So why isn’t it being used now? Not too sure.

Guild almost dinged 17, which is also nice, one step closer to 20, which means new houses to purchase, and new bank slots, something I am looking forward to. Worked on Silverstep’s Library a little more as well, it’s going to be a pain inputting all that information about each book into the site, but I actually don’t mind data entry type work. In the end I do think it will be worth it, just so that I can have a place where all of her books are gathered in one spot. A handy place to read the lore as well.

Silverstep’s Library

I had started to type out / collect a bunch of Silverstep’s books online when I used as my host, however since I moved, I’d deleted the site.

I decided to re-start the site, as a collection of the books she’s managed to accumulate over the years of playing her. I’ve tried to post where I got the book from, and what it actually looks like. If anyone’s interested in seeing her collection, or at least reading some of the lore that’s stashed away in these books, feel free to browse here, I know there are plenty of other lore sites out there, and sites where there are books listed, but this one is my own personal collection, so I enjoy it more! LOL. Maybe someone else out there will too.

The Gong of War and a pool of tranquility

Silverstep, squishing Gurgrog the Carver, Champion of War

Yesterday two new quests were added to the game, live events in preparation of the gods returning to Norrath. The quests were divided by city again, Qeynos being able to do the one for Tranquility, located on the docks in Zek, and the Freeportians heading off to do the bidding of the god of war, along the back of Zek by DFC. Both quests rewarded house items, though I must say my Freeportian warden is feeling slightly neglected prize-wise, so I ran Ricotta (my only good aligned character) to Silverstep’s home, and dropped off her two items there to add to the growing collection of nick nacks and other random items.

The Qeynos quest was difficult, you get zoned into a version of DFC and are allowed 5 items to take with you. You’re sent to rescue 5 monks, using NO violence at all. The items are handy, things such as 30 seconds of an orc illusion, 60 seconds of run speed increase, an aoe mez, an aoe stun, things like that. The first time I died, badly. There are see invis mobs on your way, so you really have no choice but to use some of these items from the outset unless you are one of those lucky classes who can already feign death on your own. You run to the jail in DFC, have to click a few levers, and open some cages, then port the monks back to their home safely, again with no violence whatso ever even though the orcs seem to have no such restriction.

Reward is a pool that is a house item, buffs your power by 438. I love it. Or rather, Silverstep loves it.

The Freeport quest was much easier. You zone into a version of DFC and are told to defeat arena champions. It takes me back to my splitpaw days except it’s much much easier. The final mob is a level above me and pictured above. Reward, is a gong that can be placed in your house, and increases your attack speed by 10%. Sort of usless for my priest. Since I do spend so much time collecting house items for her though, it’s sitting by her weapon wall. I also took Ricotta and did the valor quest in the commonlands. I have to say. I hate beetles. You have to save some and even if they crawl right under your feet and you’re not moving at all, you are proclaimed to be a murderer. Ricotta didn’t like that at all. Reward, a very nice looking spear that can be placed on your wall, and gives a 438 hp buff. Also not sitting in Silverstep’s house.

Hopefully later today I’ll manage to completed the screaming mace. I’ve also got to pick up Ghoulsbane, and the Bone Bladed Claymore. Then Silverstep will only have two more heritage quests to complete, the ancient desert power, and the wurmslayer. I’ve been having some fun with the new tradeskill writs that were added back to the game. However. I hate the timed ones. They do seem to pass my levels quickly though. Problem is I’m a level 52 woodworker with Silverstep, and she needs *SO* many supplies, that can only be farmed in Sinking Sands, or Pillars of Flame. There are no other zones for T6 nodes. They are also CRAMMED with people farming, bots doing their bot thing, everyone and their cat and dog happens to be there. It’s frustrating when all I want to do is get out of this tier of tradeskilling.

Little Coercer who Could

Stargrace hanging out in nektulos Castle, completing A missing Mask, and Hadden’s Earring

I’ve been on a heritage quest spree lately, helping to level both the guild and my own personal status numbers a little bit, so that maybe when the new expansion comes out in November, I can attempt to purchase a new mount. That, and Silverstep still owes a whole lotta rent on her 5-room house. So I took the coercer out to do her share. She’s completed 11 total now out of the 26. Eww. There’s a lot I’m leary of doing with her since she can’t exactly take the brunt of the hits from everyone.

Camped agony on Silverstep yesterday, which is the quest starter to screaming mace. Decided I’d had enough of hq’s though and just left it at that. I’m anxious for them to implement the tradeskill writs again, even though I’m not certain they’ll be as good as what I’m expecting (I’d prefer no timer on them and able to do a whole lot without too many restraints) – my main reason for wanting this is that I spent three hours tradeskilling with the 50 woodworker yesterday, and she only gets two new recipes a level. It’s becoming very painful on both resources and just plain… boring. Fuel is 23s each. It takes 10 fuel to make one item. I get 1.5% exp with full vitality. That’s a whole lot of crafted stuff to make just for one single level. I hate it even more then I hate leveling up a tailor and I hate that pretty bad. I’m hoping the writs will at least give me some more incentive into crafting with the lesser-liked tradeskillers. Stargrace has it easy, she’s already a level 70 provisioner, now if I could only get her adventure level to match. It’s hard to find a group for the coercer though. She’s not exactly dps, nor is she a healer, or a tank. Which means she’s utility to groups who already have all of the essential classes. It happens, after about 5 hours of looking for a group. Yes, I can take her to solo as well. Can only do that so often or for so long though before one is tired of it too.

Anyone need a pair of shoes?

GEB’s, Jboots, and DWB, collected in Silverstep’s house

Silverstep finally completed saving soles, and added her golden boots to the collection by the doorway in her house. A huge thank you to Cordanim for letting me borrow his dps skills for the level 50 epicx2 that I was uncertain of solo’ing. Wardens just don’t come packed with dps. It took be about 5 tries to finish the instance, Baston of Flames. Mostly because the lava kept eatting me and I forgot how to do the zone solo without dying. Guild dinged 16 from it though, and it made my 20th HQ completed (finally). 6 more to go. Next I hope to get bone bladed claymore, ghoulsbane, and screaming mace completed.

On a side note…

I *really* wish they add status to heritage quest items that you use as house items. When you complete a HQ, if you have no interest in actually using the item, you can right click them and examin them, and place a mounting to the back of them. This transforms the items into house items that can then be placed. Unfortunetly, besides looking like interesting house pieces, they server little other purpose. They can also be sold to vendors for a fair amount of coin, 5g for the lowest ones, and 60g for the more expensive ones. I’ve kept all of the HQ that Silverstep has done, all 20 are spread throughout her house thus far. Most as weapons on her wall, and others as little trinkets that sit on tables. But I really wish they added some status value to my home, to help work down some of the rent I owe every week. I know it’s not a new idea, people have been mentioning this for ages now, so why no change? It’s great to be able to keep these items that we’ve all worked so hard for, but for items (I think they even still add to the count of items in your house, I’m not certain on that though) that are placed in the house, some status would be nice.

Nomadic Gamer