
Assassin PvP

Was looking through other blogs / listings as i typically do, and came across this pvp movie of an assassin on Nagafen, if you haven’t checked it out, it’s highly entertaining. Not specifically because of the pvp, but the music is just wonderful *grins* check it out and you’ll see what I mean.

On a side note, it appears that Freeport pvp’ers are quite a bit more frequent then Qeynos.. someone mentioned that it may have been the deciding factor in allowing Fae to be “Good only” instead of the neutral class that they had first been proclaimed as. Not that you can’t simply betray one over to Freeport if that’s what you’d rather do.

Pvp servers are wonderful- there is only one small down side. If you join the server late after opening, you’re so far behind everyone that there’s no chance of catching up. Anyone you’ll be fighting will more then likely be someone’s twink, and while that may not be a deterant, it would be for me. The same is true on WoW, if you start on a server later then everyone else, unless you have some close friends who can help you out, you’re going to be left in the dust. In both gear, and pvp kills.

Wow what a guild.. and other musings

A huge huge thank you to Ynnasiel from Valorous Union (the little guild I am in with 8 of my alts) for finding this huge treasure for me! This is the one tradeskill book that I have been waiting on forever, that I’ve never seen for sale, that has all of the palladium combines in it. She managed to snag it off of some unfortunate giant in thundering steppes, and let me tell you, Ricotta could not be happier. Well, maybe with some more cheese she could be but still, what an amazing gift. Especially since I know this could potentially sell for at least a plat (not that I’d ever pay that price). It certainly made my night.

Went with Silverstep and raided lyceum trash last night, only had one piece of relic drop, a chain breastplate. Not that I care so much I was hoping for relic leather boots, and unfortunately so are about 6 other leather wearers, so my chances of actually getting them are pretty slim to none. The shoes are the only piece of gear that I’d really like for my warden as she’s wearing mastercrafted at the moment and it looks exceptionally out of place on her.

Played Willamina a little as well, helping Pascolino finish off his access quest for CoD (boo, how come they removed access for every single other zone and left this one there?!) before raids, and Tixha came to visit again! She heard Pascolino talking in the 30’s channel and I said hello to her, she pounced and came to visit us, giving us treats again as always. Unfortunately everyone in VU plays way later then I do, and by the time my raids were over it was well past bed time, from the looks of guild event they headed off to RoV and did the instance in Fallen Gate (cries!) at least everyone seemed to have fun.

Brother Lycabe’s Trial, Forsaken City, Labs, and other ramblings

First of all, this little bit of humour just made my day. I suggest ya’ll take a peek at it, especially if you’re a female gamer.

Because I have so many alts, it’s a rare treat to feel like playing my ‘main’ these days. I’m typically content to wander the lands of Norrath with whomever I feel like on a whim, and I don’t plan which character to play. I actually had a desire to play Silverstep though, so I headed off to Forsaken City to clear up Brother Lycabe’s trial that’s been sitting in my quest journal for quite some time, and grab access to the 3rd floor of the Tower of Winds in the Village of Shin. For those unfamiliar, this is part of the Fallen Dynasty adventure pack. Each time you complete two quests per floor of the tower, it allows you access to the next one up. Until finally you managed to get a quest called ‘The Rift’ and you remember why you hate adventure packs. Well, not really. It just involves a very difficult zone, that I’ve been in twice now and came out naked. Not just because I was in some pick up group either, I entered this zone with a full group of T7 fabled people, who have taken down Tarinax. Soo yeah, it hurts. Anyhow.

Managed to finish off my quest and gain the access I needed, then I relogged to Willamina and met up with Osgz and Gholdmoon for some Foomby action. Completed his heritage quest with little trouble, and decided to finish of what I could of the shiny brass halberd, which was right up until the ring event at the end. After that, I logged back on to Silverstep, and got asked about a lyceum trash run, which I joined eagerly. No wipes, except once at the very first on a bad positioning, which was nice. After that it was a 30 minute break and a labs run.

I love labs, I think it’s a fantastic raid zone. However, Vyemm is not so fun. We had no coercer to split the pair up, and our guardian tank had to split after a few hours so we were working with a shadowknight tank. We attempted to monk pull / tag the encounter, and I called it in group chat when I said “5 plat says he stops to aoe the entire raid first on incoming and half of us die”….. it’s exactly what happened. Not once.. but twice.

So we didn’t manage to squish Vyemm this time, but did pretty well with 14 drops for people. I passed on the relic leather forearms as mine were not that bad and I had my fingers crossed for some relic leather boots. Unfortunetly you know how it goes, the gear drops when you’re not able to roll / not there, and it never drops when you are. Ah well perhaps next time! A pretty good day none the less. Sorry for lack of interesting posts or screen shots, I tend to slack on the weekends some what.

The Ancient Watcher, Windstalker Rumbler, Vorn Scuttlebrow

The ancient watcher is an epicx2 encounter that hangs out in an instance in Antonica called the condemned catacombs. It’s a great little zone with 4-5 named, though none give aa exp, crafting books do drop there a lot, the mob loot is not great in fact it’s quite poor –but– there is one quest for a ring that has a haste buff on it, as well as some fairly good stats. Issue is, this guy hurts. A lot. It’s meant to be taken down with a single group, and if you go to him lower then level 35 you’re going to get hurt. He has a knock back as well as an aoe cold dmg and a stun, guild decided to try him with a level 27 monk, 30 zerker, 28 bard, 30 warden, 33 swashbuckler, and I brought my 63 coercer and mentored down to 33. It was a night of guildies, and it was actually fun. I did have to /leave group a few times since the 6 hour lock out is not something we wanted to have to deal with, it was more of a precaution then anything else. Unfortunately we were just too small to take him down.

I did enjoy playing the coercer though. In fact I got fairly good experience despite my mentored state and 75% reduced exp. I figure maybe I’ll play her a little more often, I know a friend of mine on Lucan actually managed to hit 70 that way, by mentoring the guildies as they leveled up through their 50/60’s. It’d also give Stargrace a chance to complete more of the lower end quests, and get some aa’s along the way since she’s slacking.

Calicia hit 30, Ricotta hit 30, Willamina hit 32, it was a pretty productive day. Ricotta also did the instance inside of Fallen gate with the guild, the named at the end of FG was up and a very nice fabled item dropped for Gael, +12 wis and +12 int on a level 20 item as well as some power and hp.. *drools* Ricotta snagged a +10 int +10 agi fabled ring inside of the instance. Hopfully everyone had a good time as well.

Not only did we do all that, but we ended up doing the Scarecrow King quest. Another epicx2 under our belts. He has an icky 30/40 second stun and a few friends, but Ricotta managed to get her pumpkin head mask, as well as her evil pitchfork house item, which will probably go to Silverstep unless I do the quest for her as well. It was in fact a day for epics, we (implying the guild) headed off after the Windstalker Rumbler, as well as Vorn Scuttlebrow.

The loot was exceptionally disappointing, on both epics. They dropped level 7 gear, just regular stuff. No guild status even though they’re ‘contested’ epics, and it was highly disappointing. Of course, a nice notch in our little guilds belt, to be taking down epics already, but still…..

Oh, and we hit guild level 7. Like I said, a productive night.

Tixha the guide, Thundering steppes, and Silverblade

Last night we (implying me and my 5 other guild mates who were grouped together in thundering steppes, working on the dreaded armor quests) had a pleasant surprise, Pascolino was busy telling a story to a bunch of people (how he can off and ramble about his adventures while we’re busy killing griffins I’ve no idea) which I’ll post here following, but anyhow, Tixha the guide from the shattered lands stopped by seemingly out of no where to watch our little adventures. Whether it was Pascolino’s story or the fierce battles that brought her our way we’re really not certain, but it was fun none the less. Pleasant and ‘cute as a button’ as she put it, she handed out cake and latte to the entire group, what sweetness! I asked if I could take her picture and she said she could dance for me, it was funny. Though she did come to us in the form of a Ratonga, I think the looks Splooge was giving her was enough to turn her into something less yummy looking.

We managed to complete two armor quests, for Ynn and Mareck, though we did have our fair share of deaths along the way. We also picked up a few new guild members. It’s refreshing at times to be playing with new people. Frustrating at other times since they’re (not their fault) a little less…. experienced…in most cases.

So, Pascolino is known and becoming more known on the server for his stories that he tells. They’re always truthful from what I can grasp, and I enjoy listening to them. He decided last night he would tell the tale of how he ‘obtained’ Silverblade, the name of his weapon that shoots lightning from it every so often. The 20-29 channel listened eagerly to the tale, so here it is:

“Pascolino momma is very poor and she must support 7 girls so it is up to pascolino to support her. Now when i live in freeport i hang out with my best friend Rrrico-Tah! she a ratonga, she teach me how to steal from the richer denizens, yes the dark elves…She much better than pascolino at stealing but she always disappear and leave Pascolino to earn his own way, so the first time pascolino try to steal from dark elves alone, was the time he find this sword. now pascolino no know how to pick houses like rrico-tah but momma need money so i try anyway,…i find one in south freeport that smell like perfume like a lady…*breathes in* ahhhh yes Pascolino know there are treasures inside.

“So i use my Swashbuckler skills to break in, and in the dark i rummaged about but found nothing, not even 1 jewel. i did not have much time to search when the lights turned on and before me the most striking, ebautiful Dark Elf woman imaginable appeared. Pascolino did not know whether to stare or run, of course I choose run eventually and made for the window.

Maebus chimed in and said “and that was when she turned you into a frog, yes?”

No But she did use MAGIC! She cast a spell and pascolino froze he could not run. then she spoke what are you doing in my residence infidel, do you knwo the penalty for breaking into a Teir Dals home? Pascolino could not lie, so i say proudly I am pascolino Ciete’bellezzas and i come here to steal from you to support my MOMMA. I saw her chuckle….for a dark one her face was kind …then she say It is punishable by death to steal from a woman of my rank…but you have a certain silly charm about you Pascolino Ciete’bellezzas. i think make the face like a see puppies do to help me squeeze out of trouble. o finally the Dark one, she walks to a chest You are bold and i see some promise in you, and for this ill allow you to leave, but know that you will owe the dark lady Silverstep a request in the days to come then she walk over to a chest and out of it pull out this sword, a pristine imbued steel falchion, its blade gleamed boldly she say take this Pascolino, you will not leave my house empty handed but remember you owe me now.

Now Rico-ta say don’t do it, never trust the dark elves they bad people, but Pascolino say this woman too beautiful to be bad, and besides momma always say every woman no matter how mean has a lil sugar in her heart. You just need to stir the pot. So i take the sword and say pascolino CIete’bellezzas will shout your name whenever i use it i say this proudly then i bow! but before i can readjust myself from the bow, the woman silverstep she kick me swiftly and very hard right in the chin!!! Before i was overwhelmed by darkness she said And that is what you get for breaking into my home. I wake up later in the ruins outside freeport, i still had the sword and now a very sore jaw! But i use the sword and shout her name, and that is how i acquire this weapon!!! The Silverblade (i name it myself). That is my story friends, thank you for listening, just don’t tell momma I steal, or she would beat me!

And there you have it, more or less the story that Pascolino told last night. This may not be an RP server, but as long as there are a few people interested in it, it’s fun. The night may not have been exceptionally productive from my point of view. I hate dying after all. I’m impatient, and moody as of late for other reasons that don’t involve the game, but it was nice to be able to let my mind wander and not always dwell on sad things. The guide coming by was just icing on the cake.

Nomadic Gamer