WoW Gold Making

[Casual Gold Making] How Much GPH is Dragonflight Fishing?

It’s time for a new challenge! Thanks to inspiration from this reddit post, along with talking to a fellow gold maker CanadiaTV, (be sure to check him out) I decided to see how much gold you can casually make from fishing – starting with Dragonflight. I decided NOT to min/max this activity, so I have NOT taken everything from the reddit post into account. I’m sure you can up that gph slightly by min/maxing it. Below is the gear I’m sporting.

  1. Khaz’gorite Fisherfriend (rk4) enchanted with + Perception
  2. Master’s Wildercloth Fishing Cap
  3. +5 fishing gloves

I am also using a lure for Islefin Dorado.

I’m using the addon ‘Fishingbuddy’ to track what I catch. I’ve been fishing by the Dragonscale Basecamp because it has the LEAST amount of ‘extra’ stuff in the fishing table. Each hour I cast between 210-250 times, so for the purpose of this post, we’ll say I’ve been fishing off and on for approximately 15 hours (3898 casts so far). I do about 2h of fishing every 2 or 3 days, Moving forward I’ll post statistics for every 2h of fishing, just to keep things neat / tidy.

In 15h my total gold earned is roughly 94,162g which puts GPH at around 6,277g – this could be SLIGHTLY higher / lower if recipes are selling well on your servers, on mine I haven’t gotten any ‘good’ recipes of note in 15 hours of fishing. It’s also important to note that you should be selling when islefin dorado is in demand – that means from the weekly quest in Emerald Dream, as well as when raiders are looking for the fish. It’s not fantastic GPH, but it is pretty relaxing, requires almost zero brain power, and can be good to do if you’re watching TV or if you’re like me and sometimes have limited mobility.

Dungeon Dive: 100 Runs of Sunwell Plateau (51-60)

Another week, another 10 runs of Sunwell Plateau under our belts! This marks 3h spent in the zone (30m each group of 10 runs), and in actual gold earned from sales (plus raw gold drops) my 61 speed druid is looking at a total of 155,999g which means the GPH is 51,999g – not too shabby for a single character running a single dungeon. You might remember that the last run rewarded VERY little, hence the lower GPH this week. It all depends on RNG and what sells vs. what does not sell. Here’s the overall stats to date:

  • Total approx gold earned (runs 1-60): 905,389
  • Actual amount earned from sales to date: 155,999g
  • Actual amount of GPH: 51,999g
  • Value of items listed on the AH: 137,451g

Last week we only had 44k worth of items on the AH, so it’s nice that we added a few items of note this week (two schematics, one for goggles which are used in an achievement). This isn’t the best gold farm in the world by any means, but it is nice and simple with a low barrier of entry.

Keep in mind you may be able to make more / less gold on your own server, the items I’m selling are NOT commodity, therefor they ARE server specific. I’m playing on a high population server in NA, and prices are quite all over the place (usually on the lower side of things) but sales are far more steady than if I were on a low population server. You’ll have to try different methods out, and see what works for you.

Doing SOMETHING to make gold in game is at least a better option than doing nothing at all (if you’re going after gold, at least). As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Dungeon Dive: 100 Runs of Sunwell Plateau [21-30]

We’re on 1h30m of gold making after 30 runs of Sunwell Plateau, and this is what LootAppraiser has told us the potential gains have been:

  • 1-10: 122,091g (estimated)
  • 11-20: 252,247g (estimated)
  • 21-30: 253,737g (estimated)

Total: 618,075g (approx: 412,050g per hour)

Actual amount earned to date: 35,229g (approx: 23,486g per hour)

Amount still on the auction house: 272,155g

The numbers of actual gold earned vs. estimated gold earned are VASTLY different – but – making 20k an hour (give or take) may not be a horrible investment of time if you’re enjoying what you’re doing. I did pick up a fair number of recipes this past run, so we’ll have to see where sales go in the future. Keep in mind this is on a high population server and your own gains may be lower or higher than the TSM region market value average that I’m using as a price point.

Dungeon Dive: 100 Runs of Sunwell Plateau [11-20]

Last week I did my first 10 runs of Sunwell Plateau, and LootAppraiser told me I had a looted item value of 122091g in 30 minutes. This week I ran another 10 dungeons, and LA gave me 252,247g in valued items. In actuality, with sales, I’ve earned 436g (that’s the raw gold from this week) plus 7,757g (that’s how much everything sold for this week) plus the 483g in raw gold from last week. That brings me to a total of estimated looted: 374,338g in 1h of farming. Actual gold earned with raw + sales: 8,676g. Now, earning 8,676g in an hour of farming isn’t exactly THAT bad, but it sure isn’t that great, either – and it’s a far cry from what LootAppraiser claims I’ve made. The plus side is that I do also have a lot of stock – and that has value even though it hasn’t sold yet. Right now my stock value is:

Now if those items sell, that would be fantastic. Even if a small number of it sold it would be great. Right now though we’re just sitting on stock hoping it sells, with a total of less than 10k gold per hour.

We’ll just have to see what next week brings!

Dungeon Dive: 100 Runs of Sunwell Plateau [1-10]

This isn’t the first time I’ve done a dungeon dive – but I used to post them over on another blog, and I decided instead of keeping multiple blogs I’d merge them all into this one. It’s been a while, so here’s the next dungeon dive that I’m doing – Sunwell Plateau.

122,091g estimated gold earned

I’m using the TSM region market value avg to price my loot from LootAppraiser, and I’m using a heavily modified profile from BilisOnyxia to post them to the auction house. In the past I was on a low population server, but these days I’m spread between many servers, and for this particular challenge I’m on a medium pop, so we’ll see how things go. If you’re not familiar with how I run these challenges here’s the basics.

LOTS of videos out there boast about making thousands of gold an hour, but they fail to take actual sales earned into consideration. I run 100 runs of a dungeon, adding up the “looted item value” and then compare it to the “actual sales value” each week. Then I create a GPH from the actual gold earned rather than the assumed amount. In the past this worked out pretty neat, it was a more realistic view of how much gold you could potentially earn. RNG of course plays into it, the type of server you’re on, and other factors. I use 1 character to run the dungeons & sell the materials so they’ve never got more gold than what the dungeons provided. If you’re interested in my older runs of Sunwell, you can find those posts here.

These days it takes me roughly 30-35 minutes to run 10 instances of Sunwell Plateau, and that’s the time I’ll use to frame GPH instead of rounding up to 1 full hour. I know you’re locked from doing more instances (10 per hour is the cap, sometimes you can squeeze a few more in) but you could also go and do something else to make gold in that free time that doesn’t involve running a dungeon.

Here are the addons I’m using, too:

  • Auctionator
  • LootAppraiser
  • TradeskillMaster
  • MonkeySpeed
  • Dejunk
  • Faster Loot
  • WoWThing Collector

Next week we’ll see if anything actually sold, and add to that the next 10 runs.

Nomadic Gamer