The Bone Bladed Claymoer (Bone Bladed Claymore)
Level 40
– Starts from examining the Glowing Sword in Stormhold (-150,-96).
– After closer examination of the blade you are faced with the task to kill Opalla who is located inside Blackburrow. You can find Opalla directly south of the bridge, in the farthest room. Opalla is Lvl 42 mob.
– After defeating Opalla, once again examine the sword and find out you must now slay Troll Warrior Redak who is a level 44 and located in the chapel in Stormhold. Easiest way to get to the chapel is to go down the spiral staircase, go down the hall to the atrium and enter the door to the left of you, Their will be a “pond” in front of you take the path to the right and follow it down until you are in the room with the cavaliers, go up the staircase and follow the hall that wraps around the room to a door that will be on your right. Inside Redak awaits.
– Once again examine the sword and find out that you must now re-forge the hilt and bone blade and make it one again. Now the bad news for some of you, In order to re-forge the blade you must have a ebon cluster which you will lose when you forge the sword. You can buy these or mine them in tier 5 zones. When you are ready head to Runnyeye and head down the path just past the bridge until you come across the first room with goblins past the archway there will be another room with more goblins, Once you enter the room to the left there will be a small outcove and inside will be a forge and a anvil sitting in front of the forge. Inspect the anvil to reforge the blade. Now the fun part!
Receive Reward: Inert Bone Bladed Claymore
– You will need to slay 1,000 sentient beings, no animal killing. This means any non-animal.
– Kill Gynok Moltar, the first wielder of the claymore. He is level 47 heroic mob, and is located where you first grabed the Claymore on top of the spiral staircase. Enter the room and he spawns. Slay Moltar and for the last time examine the sword.
– If you have completed the Berik’s Revenge (Sword of Thunder) quest in the past you will have a option to strike the claymore with Berik, Sword of Thunder. Doing this will create the Electrified Bone Bladed Claymore! If you have not completed than you will can only accept the Bone Bladed Claymore.
Receive Reward: Bone Bladed Claymore
Receive Reward: 58,500 Status Points