The Bone Bladed Claymoer (Bone Bladed Claymore)

Level 40

– Starts from examining the Glowing Sword in Stormhold (-150,-96).

– After closer examination of the blade you are faced with the task to kill Opalla who is located inside Blackburrow. You can find Opalla directly south of the bridge, in the farthest room. Opalla is Lvl 42 mob.

– After defeating Opalla, once again examine the sword and find out you must now slay Troll Warrior Redak who is a level 44 and located in the chapel in Stormhold. Easiest way to get to the chapel is to go down the spiral staircase, go down the hall to the atrium and enter the door to the left of you, Their will be a “pond” in front of you take the path to the right and follow it down until you are in the room with the cavaliers, go up the staircase and follow the hall that wraps around the room to a door that will be on your right. Inside Redak awaits.

– Once again examine the sword and find out that you must now re-forge the hilt and bone blade and make it one again. Now the bad news for some of you, In order to re-forge the blade you must have a ebon cluster which you will lose when you forge the sword. You can buy these or mine them in tier 5 zones. When you are ready head to Runnyeye and head down the path just past the bridge until you come across the first room with goblins past the archway there will be another room with more goblins, Once you enter the room to the left there will be a small outcove and inside will be a forge and a anvil sitting in front of the forge. Inspect the anvil to reforge the blade. Now the fun part!

Receive Reward: Inert Bone Bladed Claymore

– You will need to slay 1,000 sentient beings, no animal killing. This means any non-animal.

– Kill Gynok Moltar, the first wielder of the claymore. He is level 47 heroic mob, and is located where you first grabed the Claymore on top of the spiral staircase. Enter the room and he spawns. Slay Moltar and for the last time examine the sword.

– If you have completed the Berik’s Revenge (Sword of Thunder) quest in the past you will have a option to strike the claymore with Berik, Sword of Thunder. Doing this will create the Electrified Bone Bladed Claymore! If you have not completed than you will can only accept the Bone Bladed Claymore.

Receive Reward: Bone Bladed Claymore
Receive Reward: 58,500 Status Points

Saving Soles (Golden Efreeti Boots)

Level 50

– Starts from Charly Ashlash in Lavastorm (-323,+355).

– You need to speak goblin to receive this quest from Charly Ashlash. Before Charly will deal with you he asks you to destroy some monsters in Lavastorm. You must slay 50 crawlers and 50 Drakes. The lizards at the docks give credit for drakes.

– After doing this return to him. He will give you a boot. Examine the boot and the quest will update.

– You must find the corpse of a smelly fish to bait “The Big Squiggly”. The fish it is referring to is a level 47 solo fish named “Foulgill the Rotten” who spawns near the docks. He has a place holder.

– After killing the fish you will be given 2 hours the bait the trap for “The Big Squiggly”. This trap is a bit deeper in the zone where a named goblin spawns but not very deep. (-566,+410) It will look like a pile of underbrush. Have everyone right click and bait the trap and “a hungry goblin” will run up to the trap.

– Immediately following this “The Big Squiggly” will spawn and attack the group. He is level 48 or 49 ^^. After killing him you will recieve the right boot.

– The next step is to find an Efreeti to make sure the boots are truly Efreeti made. The Efreeti your looking for is Tazgar the Efreeti in the Temple of Solusek Ro in Lavastorm. When you speak to him 6 mobs will spawn. Kill them and speak to him again.

– He will then send you to Solusek’s Eye to kill fire giants until you receive a key. This is a semi-rare auto-updating drop. The giants are in deep, past the golems.

Once you have the key you use it to disable the spires in Lavstorm:

  • (-635,-+300) first goblin area
  • (+120,-465) lava field before the temple
  • (-115,+75) drake pit west of temple
  • (-438,+120) before dragon’s breath tunnel
  • (-567,-410) near Buglegreeder

– Once the spires have been disabled you must defeat The Magolemus. This is a new level 50 ^^^ Group x 2 mob who is located outside of Solusek’s Eye in Lavastorm. If you have disabled the spires, when you walk near him he will become attackable. Once you engage him you have 15 minutes to kill him or he will despawn. He procs a single target knockback on your main tank, so be sure to have his back to a wall.

– After killing him you must reactivate the spires that you disabled earlier. After reactivating them you need to return to speak to Tazgar.

– You must then kill Efreeti Lord Djarn. He is located in the Bastion of Flames.

– After killing Efreeti Lord Djarn you can return to Tazgar for your reward.

Receive Reward: Golden Efreeti Boots
Receive Reward: 50,000 Status Points

The Lost Legend of Lavastorm (Crown of King Tranix)

Level 45

– Starts from Fendaris K’Lorn at the Lavastorm docks (-125,+628).

– The first step is to kill goblins in Lavastorm or Everfrost until you have obtained 20 shards of the broken goblin tablet. This is an auto-updating, uncommon piece. After completing this task return to Fendaris.

– He then requires you to collect 8 goblin banners written in a secret goblin code. The 8 banners are pretty easy to get, just a pain to get the 8 you need right away if anyone else in the zone is on the same part of the quest. There are 2 areas for the banners that they respawn quite quickly. The first area with the solo whelps has 4 spawns of banners scattered thruogh the area. The second goblin area, past the stone bridge has another 4 spawns scattered throughout.

  • (-175,+334)
  • (-153,+274)
  • (-157,+199)
  • (-726,+339)
  • (-345,+324)
  • (-737,+437)
  • (-774,+389)
  • (-321,+458)
  • (-555,+470)
  • (-590,+265)

– After examining all of the banners and speaking to Fendaris, you receive a scroll written in Druzaic. You will need to know Words of Pure Magic to read it. It tells you a nice story about how the goblins got whooped in a fight ages ago. Pay attention when reading through it cause your gonna re-trace the story. Basically you must find the five pieces to the goblin poem. They are at:

  • (-646,+65) The Wound.
  • (-678,-159) Goblet of Ro.
  • (-635,+302) Gobln Ritual Shrine.
  • (-230,+149) Behind the Lavafall.
  • (-193,+251) Before the Lavafall.

– You then must find the name of the forgotten Lavastorm Legend. You do this by speaking with Bunglegreeder. He is in a hut near Asphyxia in Lavastorm at (-403,+194). He will ask you to obtain 8 rare rocks from Lavastorm. Six are mob drops and two must be mined. They are:

  • Metamorphite: Harvested from the metamorphite rocks
  • Flame Licked Diamond: Harvested from Flame Licked Ore
  • Molten Fragmite: Molten Fragments
  • Noxious Pearl: Noxious Emissions
  • Basalt Turquoise: Basalt Rumblers
  • Globule Rose: Flaming Globules
  • Dormizite: Dormant Basalt Rumblers
  • Bouldering Heart: Bouldering Guards of Tyrock Cleaver.

– Return to buglegreeder and get quest update, to search for info of King Tranix.

– Head to temple of ro and take all rights, this will lead to a library and it has a Ghost npc that will tell you to seek out the Dead Knights bones that were sent out across the Shattered Lands (you have seen them when examined it speaks of Flames and Swords on a medalion i believe) But there are 10 of them.

  • Liantis: Lavastorm (-551,+16)
  • Usalin: Lavastorm (-282,-435)
  • Mortanis: Everfrost (25,-478)
  • Edgarin: Feerrott (-1933,+557)
  • Karysin: Zek (-192,-553)
  • Jartellin: The Enchanted Lands (-398,-624)
  • Hogosh: Nektulos Forest (-1374,-697)
  • Weldin: Thundering Steppes (853,+1064)
  • Desdarn: Commonlands (249,+252)
  • Narisin: Antonica (-2051,-564)

– Then it has you Return the bones to the Censor of Souls you pass it heading to Solusek’s Eye through Temple of Ro past Tazga. This looks like a forge with a cauldron in the middle. Head back to ghosty npc in library and he tells you to examine the book about king tranix, its in the library you are in at the moment.

– Then head back to Solusek’s Eye, down to the Giants of Thyr the first room you see them in go to the left side and there is the chest at (+99,+189).

– It has you gather four circlets from various names in Sols Eye:

  • Speaker: Same room as the Chest
  • The Castigator: Room next to Bastion of Flames
  • Lord Crana: Glass Room deep in Thyr area
  • Onyxlam: Titans area (-31,-135)

– After killing all four you can go back to the room and open the chest for your reward.

Receive Reward: Crown of King Tranix
Receive Reward: 54,750 Status Points

The Stein of Moggok: It can be Rebuilt (Stein of Moggok)

Level 40

– Starts from Rumdum in the pub at the East Freeport docks (-234,+8).

– If you are from Qeynos, in order to speak to Rumdum, you must have a Freeport citizen stall the guard who is constantly entering the bar. Wait for the guard to head into the back deck area and then have your Freeport friend ask for directions from the guard. Keep buying drinks for Rumdum and he will eventually give you the quest.

– You must collect the four pieces of the Stein of Moggok. These can be found on the Bouncers in the Feerrott. These are all four rare spawns:

  • Left Half: Bouncer Flerb (-27,+392)
  • Right Half: Bouncer Fug (-446,+146)
  • Handle: Bouncer Hurd (-16,+770)
  • Lid: Bouncer Prud (Runs throughout the zone, despawns quick)

– After turning each of these in to Rumdum he will tell you that Clurg has a Blood Ruby and ask you to obtain it for him. This is found at a lake due south of the zone (-16,+697). Clurg the Bartender will spawn when you swim close to the bottom of the lake. He is a level 40 ^^^ Group x 2 mob. Kill him to obtain the ruby.

– After doing this return to Rumdum who gives you the recipe to create the stein. You must have level 9 crafting. You will need a Glimmering Stone to do this combine.

Receive Reward: Stein of Moggok
Receive Reward: 54,750 Status Points

The Reaching Blade of the Assassin (Serrated Bone Dirk)

Level 40

– Starts from Leelav Yekl in the Enchanted Lands (+220,-53).

– Leelav Yekl needs you to track down an assassin for him. He first sends you to Freeport to scour the inns looking for clues on how to track him down. He gives no further instructions but we can tell you that you must speak to Kreglebop Yekl in West Freeport. He is found outside on the patio of the tavern at (+289,+91).

– Kreglebop Yekl will give you clues that lead to Qeynos. You are once again told to scour the taverns of Qeynos to find an unspecified NPC. We can tell you that this NPC is found past a curtain (hidden) in a downstairs area of the tavern in North Qeynos. The curtain is at (+325,+148). The NPC is named Lodo Bightn and can be found at (+337,+155).

– You will then be sent to the Crypt of Betrayal to search for signs of the Assassin. Bring a group for this step. When you walk past the hallway near (+75,+18) two hired assassins (level 38 ^^ and ^ mobs) will spawn and attack you. Kill them and you will receive a Worn Note. Examine the note to receive a hint for the next step.

– You must now head to the mill at Windstalker Village. As you enter the mill you go to the corner just inside on your left (-1922,-608) to get an advance. You will receive a Crudely Scrawled Parchment a that point which can be examined to give information on the next step.

– Head to the docks in the Thundering Steppes. Make sure your party stays together at this point as when you go near the docks Verishu and some enthralled warriors will ambush you. Kill them and you will receive Nightblood Orders. Read this for a hint to the next step.

– Head to Rivervale and visit a lodge at (-545,-190). When someone enters this lodge Ethruia Aidora and several other Lamias will spawn and attack you. Kill them. Ethruia will drop a Quickly Written Letter which can be examined for more hints.

– You must now run out to Leelav Yekl in the Enchanted Lands and warn him that they are coming for him. When you speak to him Lodo Bightn and two Shadowed Halflings will spawn. You must kill them for the Serrated Bone Dirk.

– Speak to Leelav Yekl to close the quest.

Receive Reward: Serrated Bone Dirk
Receive Reward: 56,500 Status Points

Nomadic Gamer