Weekly Wrap Up [Mar3-Mar9]

The TSM ledger is acting a bit oddly ever since leap year happened, so this post is a bit late while I manipulated the display. In any case, the past week was pretty much on par for what I would typically earn in a week – but sales were WAY lower than usual (the number of sales). A lot of high ticket items sold, and I didn’t even break 300 – normally that number is around 1,000.

This week was another winner for transmog, I imagine the collectors are in full force until we get that 10.2.6 patch and some new content. I know the Hearthstone 10th anniversary event is running right now, but I’ve been staying away while the bugs are fixed on NA retail.

I did also have a few pet sales, but these were all under 150,000g in value, my biggest sale for the week was the “Domed Buckler” which went for over a million gold! It’s great when those sporadic transmog items sell. I didn’t see many crafted transmog sales, but I had a handful of lower value ones, and I decided to skip restocking this week. Instead I did some comp stomp across all of my characters and I worked on collecting knowledge on a few slacker crafters that I had. Plus of course I partook in my very first RP event over on Moonguard, which was a LOT of fun. As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Weekly Wrap Up [Feb25-Mar2]

It was a fairly productive week when it came to making gold – but I also ended up spending a fair amount on some recipes (I’m currently working on finishing off my profession recipes, more on that at a later date). My top sellers were back to recipes, a handful of pets, and a few transmog. I also re-stocked my crafted transmog, something I had been slacking on for a few weeks (life, what can I say).

Sales were lower than usual, but I also spent a lot of time restocking and doing general inventory management. I keep a record of sales each month, and where they happen. If a server doesn’t perform very well, I stop selling there and move on. I give the server 3 months so I can see a better average, and typically if the gains are not at least a million (each month), I’ll drop it from the list. There’s a few reasons I do this but it mostly comes down to time. I have other servers that perform very well, and the items I’m selling would be better suited to those servers or just waiting in the bank for restock day instead of me wasting the time it takes to post. I’m sure people have different methods of doing all of this, but that’s what works for me.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Weekly Wrap Up [Feb18-Feb24]

Uh, WHAT happened this week?! That’s an insane looking graph up above. I could hardly believe it. It seems like even though we’re at a bit of a lull with the season right now, and waiting for the next thing to come along – all of the collectors came out of the woodwork.

Sales this week were almost all exclusively high priced transmog. A good handful of crafted pieces also sold, and a bunch of NLA (no longer available) items. The usual items like Blackrock Bulwark, The Glazer, and Firekin were pretty high up on the list. I also saw a few unusual items sell, like a handful of Haunted Mementos, and Baron Charr’s Sceptre (wasn’t expecting that one). I also continued to work on my own recipe collection, I’m narrowing in on the handful left that I need. One goes for approx 2 million on NA (LW recipe where the vendor is no longer available) and I haven’t decided if I’m going to splurge and get it yet or not.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Weekly Wrap Up [Feb4-Feb10]

Pets and transmog were the big sellers of this week, with the Phoenix Wishwing making the biggest splash. I also sold a Rustmaul Sword for over 300,000g which probably went to another goblin. They’re NLA items that are over inflated to 9,999,999g and I’ve been spending a few months trying to lower the price because there’s no way they’re worth that much (and no way anyone is paying it). A sale is a sale, and I don’t mind if another goblin takes it off of my hands as long as there’s still a nice profit made on my side.

A lot of one time purchases happened this week, and a nice incline on other items. I love looking at the graphs to see where things stand, and just to make sure I’m headed in the direction that I want. I need to restock my crafted items very soon, and I’ve been working on getting faction required for all the recipes that are locked behind that. I’m absolutely loving just how much there is to do, even this far into an expansion.

Weekly Review [Jan28-Feb3]

Woah. This was a HUGE week in sales for me, and I barely even made any sales! There were some incredibly high priced items that filled the market – a green transmog that sold for just shy of 3 million all on its own (you can see that lonely blue dot way at the top on the 28th). I also sold a small handful of expensive recipes, including Gift of Arthas, for just over 300,000g. These recipes were recently returned to the game, and some servers have them priced quite cheap, and others not so much. Blackrock Bulwark, Varruth’s Guillotine, and of course the usual pets – Ethereal Soul-Trader, Guardian Cub, and Hatespark the Tiny all rounded out the week. I hope the rest of February is just as fantastic.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!