January 2007

The Return of the Light (Greater Lightstone)

Level 20

Starts from examining “Burned Out Lightstone” which is a body drop from the Lightbringer Wisp in the Commonlands. The wisp hangs out around the druid ring at (684,-96). Your level does not matter since it’s a body drop.

– The first thing you need to do is find someone who needs this lightstone. The person who needs it is Cannix Silverflame in the Commonlands (-310,-362).

– The first thing Cannix will ask of you is to touch the Mourned and the Forgotten with the lightstone. After completing this step return to Cannix.

  • The Forgotten (+172,+260)
  • The Mourned (-590,-632)

– Receive Reward: Faintly Lit Lightstone

– Cannix will then ask you to kill Rama’nai in the Commonlands. Rama’nai is a named lion at the Ring of Nature, near where the Lightbringer Wisp spawned. To spawn him kill the place holder, it should be a roaming or wandering lioness. After killing Rama’nai return to Cannix.

– Receive Reward: Dimly Lit Lightstone

Your next task is to kill two Orc Captains in the Commonlands. After killing the orcs return to Cannix.

  • Captain Gaer (or his placeholder Reag) spawns about loc (-855,+670)
  • Captain Ogof (or his placeholder Fogo) spawns about loc (-475,+678)

– Receive Reward: Softly Lit Lightstone

– The next step is to kill the High Priest of Val’Marr in the Commonlands. He is found at the Ruins of Val’Marr (+448,+574). The old method of spawning him required you to kill the groups of skeletons surrounding bone piles, however, this has been changed. You now need to clear the top of the towers around the ruins. Any tower can spawn the priest, so it’s best to keep them all clear. Return to Cannix afterwards.

– Receive Reward: Glimmering Lightstone

– He will then send you to kill General Drull. He can be found in Bloodskull Valley. The access for BSV has been removed, and to enter you no longer need to do the lengthly access quest. You can hail the npc located behind the rock to the right hand side of the door, and they will let you in. The encounter is also no longer epic, but is heroic. When you enter you will be rushed by various waves of orcs, just keep squishing them all until Drull spawns. Once he’s dead and you’ve gotten your update you can evac and leave the rest of the orcs up if you’d like.

– After completing this task return to Cannix and he will attack you, not wanting to give up the reward. Characters from Qeynos will not have to kill Cannix at the end of the quest. Instead a group of bandits will kill him. You must then kill the bandits to receive your reward.

Receive Reward: Greater Lightstone
Receive Reward: 30,000 Status Points

War and Wardrobe (Robe of the Oracle)

Level 35

– This quest starts from a brooch dropped by the aquagoblin oracle in Butcherblock, just swim out to the nearest island from the docks, he stands on a raised platform on the island.

– Inspecting the brooch starts the quest and tells you to find a high elf that might know something about it. Glavarius Marud (+293,+94) can be found in a house in Kelethin.

– Next you need to find the Circle of the Unseen Hand for more information. You need to talk to Fippy Darkpaw the 4th in Crows Resting Place in the Down Below. He will refuse to tell you anything at first, but if you pick up a card from a table in the other room, slip Fippy the card and he will tell you about Villanous the Small ( note, the named in the instance don’t give you any aa )

– Next you need to go to a castle in the northern part of Nektulos. This is Nek castle, and in the basement you will find an Empty Crate Note (-41,-56). Inspecting the note reveals that the contents of the crate were stolen by the Ebon Mask in the Foreign Quarter of Neriak.

– Go to Fallen Gate and you will find Zannas K’Val’s Chest (+167,-81). Harvest to get Tessa’s Contingency Plan. Inspect for update. You may notice some new mobs up, traps as you examin these pieces.

– Now you need to find an emergency fallback point in Faydwer. This is a stone of the chessboard in Butcherblock (-788,-16). Harvesting this will give you Tessa’s Hidden Notes for Zannas and will also trigger a trap spawning 4 triggered guardians. Read the note, you don’t have to kill the guardians.

– You now need to find one of Tessa’s gems. She used the aquagoblins to deliver them. Kill aquagoblins until you get a gem. Inspect the gem for update.

– Go to Crushbone. Outside the keep there are three caves. Enter the one on the right; all the way back there is a punished magi apprentice (-1619,-30). He will send you inside the keep to get cleric hate helms. A good room for these is the magi room on the second floor, almost everything in there is a place holder. Go back to the magi apprentice after getting the helms and he will tell you where to find the Oracle N’Mare.

– Back into the keep and go to the D’Vinnian throne room (-59,-41). A level 25-35 instance. Oracle N’Mare is located on the east side behind two locked doors (+781,+220). Kill the sentries in each area for the keys. There is a movable wall behind the second door. Oracle N’Mare is in the Gladiator training hall (-84,-178).

Receive Reward: Robe of the Oracle
Receive Reward: ??? Status Points

In Honor and Service (Dwarven Ringmail Tunic)

In Honor and Service (Dwarven Ringmail Tunic)


– Captain R K Irontoe (+135,+98) in Kelethin, will give you this Heritage Quest. He should speak to you no matter if you’re good or evil.

– Visit the War Memorial for the Battle at Burning Root and click on it (-299,-54).

– You have to collect 10 Dwarven War Artefacts. These are random spawns around the area of the War Memorial, you can hit tab to target these as you’re running around.

– Head back to Captain R K Irontoe. He asks you to find the Dwarven Ringmail Designs.

– Head to the caves at Echo Echo Canyon. Inside the caves, (+16,-292) you will find a strong box, click it.

– The clues can be found in one of the tents on Orc Hill (+293,-139). Click on the chest you find there.

– This next part asks you to find a way to locate the Three Crushbone Orc Spies. As you come out of the tent with the chest, turn slightly left and go to the second of the two tents furthest away. On the floor at the back is a Scroll which you need to click on.

– Kill the Crushbone Orc Sentries until you get the three Tuning Discs.

– Now you need to click on the Gong to the right of the chest tent (+288,-152).

– The first spy is found at (-178,-16). This is near Memorial Hill, a branch which you can walk over that has Orc Scribbles on it. Second spy is found at (+745,-76) at the entrance way to Butcherblock Mountains. An upright branch just inside on the right with Orc Scribbles. The third spy is located up in the tree city. Take the Old Kelethin Acorn Lift up and when disembarking turn right. There is a branch here you can walk along to find the Orc Scribblings. For all of the spies they pop as you draw close. If they don’t it may be because someone has just killed them, repop is only a couple of minutes.

– You are next asked to find some Shrool Dust. Head towards the Tunare’s Sapling and jump in the pond, follow the river east until you find the Mushroom King (+144,+144).

– Now you need to kill 20 Fayflies and collect 10 Brook Patch Toadstools. Both can be found in the area of Tunare’s Glade (-243,369). Look on the leaves and branches as well as the ground for the toadstools. You can tab these to target them as well.

– Now head back to the Mushroom King and he will give you the Shroom Dust.

– Head back to Orc Hill and then right click the chest to sprinkle the dust on it.

– Inspect the note you have just received. You now have to find 9 copies of the Dwarven Ringmail Plans. All of these can be found in the Orc Valley. You must kill all members of the groups to get the update.

  • Sullon Brigade Warsmith (-655,-261)
  • Vallon Brigade Warsmith (-750,-77)
  • Derris Brigade Warsmith (-845,+5)
  • Tallon Brigade Warsmith (-1081,+203)
  • Gullon Brigade Warsmith (-1390,+176)
  • Crushbone Expedition Leader (-791,-223)
  • Crushbone Expedition Chef (-774,-259)
  • Crushbone Expedition Weaponsmith (-791,-222)
  • Crushbone Expedition Planner (-726,-269)

– Kill the four groups of Crushbone Footmen to spawn the Expedition Officers, they are the place holders.

– Once you are done this, you must go into Crushbone Keep, and in the entrance way, unlock the four chests that are placed around the edges. There are two on each side. Take the plans from each, and head back to Captian R K Irontoe for your reward!

Receive Reward: Dwarven Ringmail Tunic
Receive Reward: 20,766 Status Points
Receive Reward: 10,000 Irontoe Brigade Status

Gold Seller Spam, ew

Everyone has their own views on plat farmers and gold sellers in any MMO. Personally, I hate both. I’ve been trying to complete my access for the inner portion of obelisk for months now with little to no success simply because of the one or two farming groups in there. You know the type, where there’s 4 wizards and a fury all auto following a guardian, they invis through the entire zone (thank you soe, for the revamp that messed it all up) and popping right in front of a named mob (since almost every named in Obelisk has no place holder at all) seconds after it spawns, no matter who is around / in the room, and squishing it, then invising again and moving on.

Frustration. Lots and lots of frustration.

So, when I started getting spam comments on both my blog site, and both of my email accounts (I use one for this blog when I get comments, and I use another for mmoquests.com) I was slightly ticked off.

I had three of these waiting in my email, and another two more spam comments on the blog. Anyone else getting friendly visits from gold sellers asking to advertise on your site? Even if they paid me for advertising for them, I wouldn’t do it, why? Because I absolutely hate this sort of thing.

There are exchange servers in EQ2 (I have no idea about other games / servers) that are set up specifically for the purpose of buying / selling money in game for real life currency. It’s done in a relatively safe manor, and those who have no interest at all in doing this, don’t have to play there. Personally, it’s just not my thing. I think buying gold from sites like this ruins the game, the economy, and various other things that I don’t want to rant about at 6:47am. I think it was nice of SoE to recognize the issue and set up servers where they can handle the buying / selling themselves but I don’t think it did anything at all to stop other companies such as the one above from persuing it as well.

Enough rambling about that, I’ll post again a bit later today, raids this weekend went pretty nicely.

9 Snowglobes and Freethinkers Hideout

Finally, Stargrace’ snow globe collection is complete (for this year)

Antonican, Frostfell, Fae, Volcanic, Dervish, Mystical, Thulian, Bixie, and Everling. Those are the 9 snow globes that were handed out as free gifts from the gift giver in the village. Why on earth anyone would need or even want so many snow globes, I’ve no clue. They’re pretty none the less, and right clicking on them provides some house music (one of my pet peeves is the music that comes in every Qeynos home *shudders*). All of my alts have random pieces of this collection stashed away on them, as I claimed with everyone I could for a week in order to complete at least one set for my main character.

Last night was raids, and for the first time since early December, we were full! Short on healers, but full none the less, it was nice. We headed off to Freethinkers Hideout, which is a moderately hard zone. First name down without any issues (granted I died, a lot, this was my first time in the zone as an enchanter and not a healer, and finding my niche was slightly more difficult), downed the second name after two attempts, with some people in the raid experiencing numerous bugs with the zone. I wish they were fixed. One very annoying bug is mobs spawning in the world. It makes it very difficult to burn down adds if no one can see them. Another bug, when (if) the raid wipes, there is at least 2-10 people who end up freezing at the loading entities screen. You have to type /quit (your name here) in order to load back into the game and not be frozen. Which of course takes time, and when there are 20-24 people and 2-10 of them are freezing, it creates a lot of down time waiting.

And waiting.

And waiting some more.

Loot was…. interesting. It wasn’t horrible I suppose. We got one plate breastplate that went to the main tank, a legendary belt that went to a healer, and a piece of the fury set gear (fabled) that was absolutely gorgeous, grats to Jarath for that. It took a little over four hours just to get those three (really two) pieces of loot.

Wanted to do Nizara tonight before we raid Chel’Drak so Stargrace can get some ring upgrades (Uddo and Jarath need this zone as well) but that fell through, so I think today we’re doing Chel’Drak and Inner Sanctum depending on the force that turns up. We’re short one healer for sure, but we should be able to make do. Inner Sanctum is actually one of my favorite zones as far as EoF goes. We typically do clockwork as well, but I don’t really care for that zone, it’s just about burning the mobs as fast as you can. Emerald Halls, well, I’ve only been there once. It’s an all day raid in my opinion.