Winter is Coming #WurmOnline

While most people would rather huddle inside as snow blankets the lands of wurm, keeping warm by their forges (or, ovens) I embrace the chilly air, and I couldn’t be happier that it’s winter in Wurm Online. With seasons now running on a timer that does not match ‘most’ RL seasons, you can expect winter approx. 8 times a year. The lands look amazing, and I have a clear view of all the evil creatures that are going to be chasing me down.

I’ve been working on Thorin’s Bay (no surprise). Since there were so many pens (especially the ones pictured above) I’ve decided to remove a few, and place 2×2 guest houses along the front of the property instead, with a horse pen between each house. This will make 4 pens and 3 houses, perfect for visitors. It does mean bashing down a lot of low stone walls and gates which is a lengthy process, as well as creating a lot of bricks and mortar. The over all look of the area should be much improved once it’s all completed (and of course I’ll post screen shots). Each house needs 160 bricks / mortar, with three houses to craft that will take a bit of time. Thankfully, my alts are making the bulk supplies, while my ‘crafter’ is building the actual homes.

In between working on the houses some interesting changes came to Wurm, one of which I took advantage of right away. It involves sermons. In the past players would have to follow the same deity in order to conduct a sermon. While this idea was great for priests of popular deity like Vynora, there were some that were slightly left out in the cold, like Magranon. Sermons are used for increase faith gain (and prayer resets if you have enough players participating). Now players can participate from any deity, as long as they are premium. Between myself and Moumix we have 7 characters, and I’ve also invited Arkenor and Yetian to come by and hold a sermon or two if they’re interested. There’s no requirement of course, but the more listeners you have the better. So far the gains are about .120 every 3 hours & that includes a prayer reset. It means my Fo priest may be able to get her Genesis spell before too long, and my Vynora is almost 70 faith, which I’m pretty excited about.

What does everyone else think of the changes? Excited about bison? Have you seen one yet (I haven’t seen any on deliverance at all). Let me know in comments! As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Selling Boats #WurmOnline

Moumix has taken to selling boats, and it seems like a lot of fun. I don’t have the desire to create these at all, but I am more than willing to help out where I can. He has sold two so far, and I’ve been creating the locks and anchor for each ship. He creates those anchors into mooring ropes so the new customer doesn’t have to worry about their ship being stolen while it’s parked. I’ve been spending most of my time at Thorin’s Bay and it’s really easy to tell why.

The deed is gigantic. It’s 41×41 with 10 tiles of perimeter. That puts upkeep almost at 4s a month (a little less). It’s nestled against the side of a mountain, with tall walls and palisade gates on three sides, blocking out unwanted visitors and intruders. The fourth side faces the water, and is all on-deed. After the water and some docks is a row of iron fence with a few gates, which prevents anyone from accessing the deed at all. It’s the only one of my deeds like this, and I have to admit, it’s nice. With 10 tiles of perimeter, I have room to expand (if I ever wanted to) and I have no worries of anyone settling right on my back step.

The deed itself is beautiful. The ‘for sale’ images really didn’t do it justice at all. I plan on making a video of it once I get myself fully situated, just to show it off. There’s an enormous tree farm on deed, that is to say there’s basically a large portion of the deed dedicated to trees and my Vynora priest couldn’t be happier. There are also over 30 pens for animals, including two larger ones for cattle. All of these pens are filled with enchanted grass, which makes my job a LOT easier. I’ve begun breeding the few horses that were left behind (as well as the cattle) since they were quite old and may have died off before I got any young.

Surprisingly enough there are only two houses on-deed, but they are gigantic and more than enough. One is an 8×5 stone structure with floor boards throughout that I’m converting into a living space for myself and Moumix, the second is a work shop type area, complete with two 61 QL forges, a 60 QL oven, and a 61 QL Vynora altar. There are BSB everywhere, most of them came with the deed. Packed full of random bits and pieces, I will be well supplied for a long time hence.

While Moumix is handling the ship-building portion of things, I’ve been taking care of tools and weapons on Stargrace. My Vynora priest has been doing meals and farming (41 HFC so far) and were it not for the fact that I have such fantastic neighbours over at Darkpaw Bay I’d probably be tempted to give the property up because I can do absolutely everything over at Thorin’s with room to spare. By far one of my best purchases, with easy access to both Exodus and Chaos, I’m looking forward to staying there for a long, long time. Until something else catches my eye, of course.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Did Someone Say Newbie Blogging Initiative? #NBI

In case you’ve been living under a rock and haven’t heard, May 1st starts off the Newbie Blogger Initiative, organized and created by Syp – and while I don’t personally have the time to dedicate as much effort to it as I would like – I DO want to promote those who are taking part, and make sure word gets out. To quote Scopique:

(Newbie Blogger Initiative is:) a community-based and community-oriented push to support gamers who have maybe been on the fence about putting their thoughts on the hobby into regularly scheduled prose (or haiku…there’s a distinct lack of gaming haiku).

I HIGHLY suggest you check out everyone who is writing about it (my entire RSS is filled with the streams today) and head over to the NBI QH (first link on this post) in order to find out more and have some great discussions.

My deepest apologies for not taking a bigger role in this, but with starting PR for Wurm Online (among other things) I need at least an extra two hours in my day just to try to accomplish what is already on my plate.

NBI Sponsor Blogs: Games and GeekeryThe Wild Boar InnMMO FalloutTastes Like Battle ChickenGrimnir’s GrudgeRoll One HundredDragonchasersArdwulf’s LairInventory Full,Jaded AltArk’s ArkTremayne’s LawBlog de la BurroJust One MMOreDocHoliday’s MMO SaloonHigh Latency LifeMMO Gamer ChickSkycandyNomnom.infoHunter’s InsightLife is a Mind Bending PuzzleBerath’s Brain BurpsEpic SlantBullet PointsProfessor Beej,Journeys with JayeScreaming MonkeysWelcome to SpinksvilleVicarious ExistenceCasual is as Casual DoesStar ShadowI Have Touched The SkyThe Ancient Gaming Noob, Just One More UnlockA Ding WorldYeebo Fernbottom’s MMO Love InStropp’s WorldKill Ten RatsThe Jedi GambitBeau HindmanBlue KaeGankaliciousLive Like a NerdCasual Stroll to MordorTish Tosh TeshCasting a ShaddoeA Green MushroomALT:ernativeParallel ContextETCmmoAvatars of SteelTales of the AggronautWest KaranaContains Moderate PerilThe Stories of OLevelcappedLOTRO FashionMr. Meh’s SupplicationMalchome’s Mind/RestokinNerdy BookahsT.R. Red Skies,

Just Because you CAN, Doesn’t Mean you SHOULD #WurmOnline

Some how I managed to convince Yetian to create an indoor wall for me – a note, in order to create indoor walls the creator must own the writ to the building. Since I’m a priest and I can’t technically build walls I passed the writ off to Yetian and he completed it for me. Indoor walls require the same amount of material as regular walls, and you also need 30+ carpentry in order to create them. Yes, that does mean you’ll need to be premium or find someone to help you out who is.

It didn’t take long, and now the bedroom area of the stables are complete. This wooden house has been converted from Arysh’ old cottage into a stable, and I’ve built a new stone house down below along the slope.

Not far from where I live at Thorin’s Bay there seems to be some sort of weird mini turf war going on between players. There’s a highway that runs from the south up to Green Dog, and smack dab in the middle of that highway is the old partial ruins of Silverton. While the area is no longer deeded, there are two groups of players fighting over it. Both creating a mess of the area. It makes me sad to see this, especially because creating buildings that block a highway goes against the game rules. I’m hoping that things calm down but deep down inside I’m sure they’ll come to a boil first in some sort of epic battle and the land will be completely ruined as a result.

Remember, players. Just because you CAN do something, doesn’t mean you SHOULD. It’s always much better to be the mature one and move on to a different location if you’re having issues with the locals. Wurm Online is a huge place, and there are many different servers with lots of room. There’s bound to be something around that suits your tastes without having to get confrontational about it.

Another Day, Another Deed #WurmOnline

Some really nice changes hit live servers yesterday, including a new model for stone walls – with fancy new looking doors and windows, and a boarder along the roof. Not only that but indoor walls were added! Yes, finally, if you want to lock your little brother in his bedroom, you can.

Not that I would do that.


With indoor walls comes all sorts of options for players. You could create a house maze, with various locked and unlocked doors. You could create an inn and give room owners / renters their own keys. Maybe set up Wurms very first trailer park. The ideas are endless – or at least there are a lot of them.

I haven’t dabbled with them much, but I did have Yetian build me one in my stables, separating a bedroom area from the rest of the barn. It worked out nicely, now I just need to get some locks on the doors. I always forget locks. Yetian has also set up another merchant stall for me, so I need to start trying to raise the funds to get another merchant set up. I think two will be nice, one for the west coast and one in the center of the map at the Deliverance Market Place. Now to work on filling them both up with goods to sell. Each merchant can sell 50 items at a time, which makes for a nice amount of items. When I remember to refill the merchant, at least.

As always, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!