Ellithia, Fae Ranger Down!

Finally gave in and started my first (may not be the last!) fae character, Ellithia, a new ranger. I didn’t bother sticking around to do the fae quests, because there are 4 versions of Faydark up, and 99 people in each one. So with the help of friend Llen, I headed to Qeynos to play around in those zones instead.

Roost last night got a new upgrade for Silverstep, some leather bracers bringing her to over 8k self buffed power finally. She could still stand a few upgrades, especially with the new EoF fabled sets, but they can wait. I’m pleased with the progress thus far. Raids tonight, not sure what we’re going to be doing yet though. We typically save the big raids for the weekend when we have everyone around. Turn outs have been great lately. We also recruited 4-5 new members, who are settling in. I’m about to break 100k guild status which is a first for me, I’ve never actually been in a guild long enough to accumulate that much status. Torrent Knights is certainly a nice home.

Just a short post today, as I’ve some other things to attend to, but incase people have missed it, I owe a huge thank you to Xani for helping me with quests in EoF this past week, as well as the group who helped me and Shadowgeist take down the level 60 x2 in Loping Plains last night, we both managed to finish the raincaller bow HQ, walk through on Ogaming made it pretty simple and we were done in less then two hours. Guild dinged 52 from some status items Xani turned in, and I’m back up to 2.2 million personal status, which I’ve not decided what to do with yet, either buy a new level 60 mount since I have been riding my carpet forever, or buy a workbench so I can do more adornments in my house. We’ll just have to see!

Inner Sanctum, Chel’Drak, Clockworks, and other randomness

One of Silverstep’s new pretties, server discovery from Inner Sanctum

So yesterdays raids took us first to Chel’Drak, who we took down on the 2nd pull (the first one was a bit buggy with positioning) and then we headed to clockworks, inside of Klak’Anon, which is my least favorite zone. We know how to spawn the 1 named in there at least, but it’s very difficult. After our attempts there, we headed to Inner Sanctum, a x4 zone off in Mistmoore Castle, that I’d never been to before. We had a hoot (literally).

The 2h weapon shown above has more power then my 1h + shield, and has wis + int so I expressed an interest in it, no one else seemed to want it, and now my fury runs around trying to squish things happily. I was hoping it would have some sparkly graphic on it, but alas it is just a regular staff.

A 2h sword that a fury can use?! Deathtoll run was interesting…

Also got this 2h sword.. probably one of the few (maybe the only) 2h sword a fury can actually use. It summons little lions who hit quit hard during battle. Nice for soloing! No one else wanted it (we get a huge amount of 2h weapons on raids) so it’s a nice toy. Deathtoll was interesting since the revamp. That, and our regular MT and MH were both busy with school things for the day.

Finished the War and Wardrobe HQ, it’s only level 30 so it was quite easy, and of course ogaming.com had a nice walk through already posted. Suppose I’ll do the lower level HQ’s and get them out of the way for some guild status, we’re not quite level 52 yet, it seems to be dragging by. I did manage to get Silver to 70aa now, but again, even that is slower.

As a side note: THANK YOU to the folks who have been sending me tells in game about my blog! I’ve heard from various people on various servers, mostly asking for help with the signature quest I wrote about, but a few also just saying hello! Always more then welcome to poke me of course, /tell Lucan_DLere.Silverstep if you’re interested. Some times I’m a little slow to reply depending on what I’m up to, but I try to make sure I reply.

Playing Messenger, and random updates..

Silverstep, playing messenger for the Fae Court in Lesser Faydark

Well, Silverstep’s been playing messenger for the Fae Court lately, doing chains of quests there to kill bees, and search for the blasted messenger who paths between the court and a brownie camp just north. The aa’s are a little scarce now since most of the quests are level 50-60 or so, but hey it’s better then none. I know I could mentor to get them a little more, but eh, just can’t be bothered.

Guild managed to get pretty far in Freethinkers Hideout this weekend, beat the first and second named, and got a good shot on the third before people decided to call it. I’m confident that next time we’ll clear the zone. Not bad for our 2nd time in there. Got two server discoveries on loot, some very nice fabled troubadour set piece, and an earring. Did Vyemm just for fun afterwards with two groups, played my coercer who got a relic hat and some dracomancer forearms. Yesterday was Deathtoll, and we threw in a T6 courts raid to get some guild status. We’re slacking since the cap was raised to 60.

In other updates: I’ve moved my alts to their own guild now, I typically end up doing that. I’m actually contemplating making a guild cloak for them, why bother most would think.. but I like the idea despite the cost. I need to find out a bit more info first like if your guild needs levels first before you get a basic design at all, I assume so. I know you need to be level 60 in order to get a background for your cloak design. We’ll see how it goes.

Stargrace: Took through some EoF zones and got a lot of aa, got her upgraded relic gear.

Dasie: Hit level 70 templar! Means I’ve got three level 70’s now as well as crafters. Working her aa up but it’s slow going. Far too many templars around.

Faydai: On hold slightly. Took her to Steamfont for the aa, keep meaning to work up her sage skills and slack instead. She’s still sitting at 49 necromancer 48 sage.

Yamini: Been leveling off and on between raids. Sitting at 46 assassin, 48 alchemist. Got some pretty nifty upgrades, got her the cloak from Crushbone.

Ricotta: Slacking! Level 43 dirge, has been to steamfont and Klak’Anon for the aa but that’s about it. Probably going to stay that way for a bit.

The other alts are all level 22 or lower, so no real updates on them. Looking to get my tailor (my 4th tailor, I keep deleting them when they hit T6 or so) off the ground eventually. And work on Dasie’s transmuting some more. Deity quests too.. so much to do!

Silverstep, Nybright Benefactor

Continuing on my search for unique and interesting quests with the new EoF expansion, I’ve been spending some time helping out the small Nybright village just south of Tunare’s Grove in Lesser Faydark. The quests are very easy at level 70, and reward with a lot of faction towards this group of people as well as some vendor items and coin, the aa is not too bad either if you manage to complete the 60+ ones.

The best part of doing these quests was obtaining the title “Nybright Benefactor” through one of the chains, which Silverstep now runs around wearing proudly. There is another series of quests in Lesser Faydark some place where the reward is a Thexian log book, but I can’t seem to find it for the life of me. A guild mate managed the discovery on the item and gave me no more information other then that it came from the zone in general. I’ll have to keep searching for it.

I took some time off from questing, and worked my alchemist to level 45, I continued on with transmuting on Dasie, who’s just hit 30. It’s a long hard expensive process, but I am not in a huge rush, eventually the prices for items will come down and since the books are body drops and not chest drops, this makes it *much* more appealing to me as a crafter. Silverstep has put tinkering on hold, as salty loam makes me queezy right now. Prices on the market have just skyrocketed and are exceptionally out of proportion right now. I expected it, it happens every time there is a new expansion. I just hope the economy does not suffer for too long. Only the wealthy seem to be privileged with adornments, I donated a bunch of legendary and treasured gear as well as adepts and masters to our guild transmuter in order to get mine. My hat now sports +400 power, gloves and wrist items have +40 to heals, and my cloak doubles as a parachute that can lessen the falling damage I take since I’m prone to leaping from great heights and don’t have the luxury of fae wings to keep me afloat.

Raids have been at a stand still since EoF came out pretty much. People have wanted to do other things, and they’ve been getting increasingly discouraged when we can’t handle the zones due to the recent revamping of combat. We’ve yet to try to go back to any KoS zones so I can’t speak for those ones, but I expected the EoF ones to be difficult. We did manage to down the first named in Freethinkers, after finally figuring out the strategy. The second named is do-able for sure, but by then the majority of our raiders were tired and frustrated and we decided to call it a night, myself included. It’s difficult to be taking down high end content in KoS (granted it took months to get there) and then have to start back at square one with the learning process in EoF. Progress is progress though, and I’m eager to see what new heights we as a guild can reach.

I’m also looking forward to seeing us hit level 60, though that is even slower then I’d have hoped, as very few people seem to be interested in doing any courts raids (a great source of guild status) or grinding our writs (which I can’t blame them for, that is utterly boring). We’ll just have to see how things go!

QoTW: Missing Sister

Most Annoying Quest in the World.. Quite Possibly..

This is the current quest I’ve been working on. It is quite possibly the most annoying quest I have ever encountered. Each item that Teriniu’s sister has lost and you have to find, is a little tiny microscopic clicky on the ground. The first one was easy enough, it is a hammer on the ground in Greater Faydark. The second item is an earring located at: -41,25,-795 in New Tunaria. It is a TINY little clicky on the ground partially obscured by some bolders that you have to drop down to see. The third update, is at: -532,70,-1,077 and is a white bracer on the ground. The next portion is to find a doll or a person or something from what the icon shows on the quest, but other then that, and the fact that it’s also in New Tunaria, they give no information.

Now, I’ve been enjoying working out most of these quests on my own, but oh my goodness, talk about hard. One quest has broken already for me, and three others I’m at dead ends with. I did manage to work my way down a quest that has now turned into a level 70 epic quest, the reward, a fabled cloak. The cloak does +25 to healing and damage spells. A slight upgrade over the tunare cloak I’m wearing now, if I can ever manage to complete the quest.

I had my level 44 assassin un-deleted by soe, after deleting them on June 18th. I petitioned and within two hours they’d given me the character back, I was exceptionally surprised. At the time I did not have room for more characters, so I’d deleted her. I now have station access and it’ll be staying that way, so I figured there was no harm in asking if there was anything GM’s could do. Despite the issues others may have with sony’s customer service, I have not had a single issue thus far. A huge thank you to them.

Nomadic Gamer