Little Coercer who Could

Stargrace hanging out in nektulos Castle, completing A missing Mask, and Hadden’s Earring

I’ve been on a heritage quest spree lately, helping to level both the guild and my own personal status numbers a little bit, so that maybe when the new expansion comes out in November, I can attempt to purchase a new mount. That, and Silverstep still owes a whole lotta rent on her 5-room house. So I took the coercer out to do her share. She’s completed 11 total now out of the 26. Eww. There’s a lot I’m leary of doing with her since she can’t exactly take the brunt of the hits from everyone.

Camped agony on Silverstep yesterday, which is the quest starter to screaming mace. Decided I’d had enough of hq’s though and just left it at that. I’m anxious for them to implement the tradeskill writs again, even though I’m not certain they’ll be as good as what I’m expecting (I’d prefer no timer on them and able to do a whole lot without too many restraints) – my main reason for wanting this is that I spent three hours tradeskilling with the 50 woodworker yesterday, and she only gets two new recipes a level. It’s becoming very painful on both resources and just plain… boring. Fuel is 23s each. It takes 10 fuel to make one item. I get 1.5% exp with full vitality. That’s a whole lot of crafted stuff to make just for one single level. I hate it even more then I hate leveling up a tailor and I hate that pretty bad. I’m hoping the writs will at least give me some more incentive into crafting with the lesser-liked tradeskillers. Stargrace has it easy, she’s already a level 70 provisioner, now if I could only get her adventure level to match. It’s hard to find a group for the coercer though. She’s not exactly dps, nor is she a healer, or a tank. Which means she’s utility to groups who already have all of the essential classes. It happens, after about 5 hours of looking for a group. Yes, I can take her to solo as well. Can only do that so often or for so long though before one is tired of it too.

Anyone need a pair of shoes?

GEB’s, Jboots, and DWB, collected in Silverstep’s house

Silverstep finally completed saving soles, and added her golden boots to the collection by the doorway in her house. A huge thank you to Cordanim for letting me borrow his dps skills for the level 50 epicx2 that I was uncertain of solo’ing. Wardens just don’t come packed with dps. It took be about 5 tries to finish the instance, Baston of Flames. Mostly because the lava kept eatting me and I forgot how to do the zone solo without dying. Guild dinged 16 from it though, and it made my 20th HQ completed (finally). 6 more to go. Next I hope to get bone bladed claymore, ghoulsbane, and screaming mace completed.

On a side note…

I *really* wish they add status to heritage quest items that you use as house items. When you complete a HQ, if you have no interest in actually using the item, you can right click them and examin them, and place a mounting to the back of them. This transforms the items into house items that can then be placed. Unfortunetly, besides looking like interesting house pieces, they server little other purpose. They can also be sold to vendors for a fair amount of coin, 5g for the lowest ones, and 60g for the more expensive ones. I’ve kept all of the HQ that Silverstep has done, all 20 are spread throughout her house thus far. Most as weapons on her wall, and others as little trinkets that sit on tables. But I really wish they added some status value to my home, to help work down some of the rent I owe every week. I know it’s not a new idea, people have been mentioning this for ages now, so why no change? It’s great to be able to keep these items that we’ve all worked so hard for, but for items (I think they even still add to the count of items in your house, I’m not certain on that though) that are placed in the house, some status would be nice.

Rescue of the Green Hoods, and training is a shield

Silverstep in the Deathfist Arena, fighting before Emperor Fyst

Looking through Silverstep’s quest journal last night, I realized I was probably just as bad as Cordanim with some of the heritage quests I’ve yet to complete at level 70. Since I originally made the character as part of a trio and we were far more concerned with getting levels and exp then questing, she’s missed out on a lot. I’ve never done any faction quests or ring of fate quests at all in maj;dul even though I’ve completed the Godking weapon. I never did any of the To Speak as a Dragon chain of quests besides the very first few that are required later for Claymore. She’s sitting at 430 quests completed or so. Majority of those are book collection quests to satisfy her cravings (yes I realize characters don’t have cravings, I’m talking from an rp sense here no need to tell me I’m crazy, I’m well aware of that factor!).

So while I spent the day as Stargrace, mentored down to level 41 to complete the pre-quests for rescue of the green hoods, and also completed the six trials needed for training is a shield , I decided that I’d take Silverstep out and dust her off, and solo those two quests. Good practice for when the guild goes and does it as the Deathfist citadel script can be a huge pain to run through if you’re not sure what to do. Fyst himself at the end is a level 42 epicx2 (who does not hit like an epicx2, but has the hitpoints of one).

I haven’t been to this zone since I played Qutey, my halfling templar waaayy back when. Back when the game had just come out and I actually spent a lot of time doing everything there was to do, groups were in abundance and twinks were unheard of. So it brought back a lot of memories. A lot of painful memories. There are adds, and mobs EVERYWHERE in this zone. It’ll be pretty interesting to see how the guild handles this zone when everything is coloured. At the time I completed it with Qutey, I swore never ever to go back unless I was level 52+ and the entire thing was gray. I did complete both HQ’s though, and got some guild status. Almost level 16.

I also felt a little nostalgic about having tossed Ricotta the dirge aside for so long. She really is a lot of fun to play. I farmed the night before and for once, had incredible luck, coming away with 13 rares! Two of them feysteel! I had two imbued level 32 dirge weapons made, a short sword and a dagger which she’s now wearing with pride. Dinged her to 33 without ever having left NQ. One of the joys of collection quests and having a level 70 main heh. Pleanty of money to twink out the little ones. Granted I spent about 3p more then I would have liked to spent.. but this is a game where I can spend my money unwisely and have very little repercussions. I watch money enough in real life who wants to do it in a video game.

So those were my past few nights. Today, I’m hoping to get Stargrace caught up in some of the easier HQ. Level 64 coercer and she’s only completed 9/26 HQ’s thus far….. feel free to call me a slacker, I know I am *grins*.

Bloodline Chronicles, and too much tradeskilling

Silverstep in the Bloodline Chronicles expansion pack, smushing random goblins

So I actually played Silverstep some this weekend, though she didn’t get to do anything very exciting besides some quests from the Bloodline Chronicles. Which, I actually really loved as far as expansion packs go, aside from one thing.

The chain of quests is very lengthly, has a good story behind it. Unfortunately, they all use the exact same instance. So for 10+ quests you’re running through the same zone, with practically the same mobs, and the exact same lay out. Granted, since it was 100% gray to me I didn’t mind that much. I was there for other reasons. The expansion pack came out with a specific set of spells, player made. These spells never get upgraded. You have to have completed the first three quests given by npc at a camp on either side of the waterfalls in nek forest in order to buy these recipes, which are not flagged no trade. So Willamina hit level 35 sage, and I took Silverstep off to the falls to complete the first three quests, bought the recipe books for sage, alchemist, and jeweler. So Willamina is now very happy with her adept3 of swarm of bats. Especially since like I said, those spells / skills never ever get upgraded. Silverstep is still using her Spirit of the bat at level 70, and Stargrace uses her manacloak every chance she gets. Exceptionally handy spells.

Since I’ve been sick most of the weekend (feeling good today though finally!) I took it easy and didn’t do too much of anything. I crafted a lot, and did a lot of farming. Calicia hit level 34 tailor, Ixiana hit level 26 carpenter, Willamina hit 36 sage, Ricotta hit 30 Jeweler, and uh.. I think that’s it. Silverstep is sitting at 50 woodworker and she’ll be there forever as far as I’m concerned. I hate being able to only make 3 items a level. She can make invis totems, and that’s all I ever really wanted her for. Stargrace is a 70 provisioner, so she’s set now as well. I’m still missing a lot of tradeskill books, but hopfully that will come in time and I can get some good deals.

Cleaned out the guild bank, I’m one of three leaders back in my old guild. We have 14 members, 30 characters total in guild (with alts), and they’re all a very friendly bunch. I tend to keep to myself for the most part, so at times I probably seem reserved and maybe rude, but it’s un-intentional. Today they’re planning to do DFC, which is a zone I absolutely hate and am not looking forward to at all, we’ll have to see how it goes. I’m contemplating doing it with Stargrace, the 64 coercer, mentored down. She would have to do rescue of the greenhood first though. Meh. Again, we’ll have to see.

Strange black rock, reaching blade of the assassin, Missing mask, and more!

Above is a picture of dear Willamina, that’s right, the crafty little gnome has been spotted pretending to wander around Freeport as a darkelf! A badly dyed blond haired one at that!

What a busy day yesterday. Seemed to be that way all around for everyone. With only two steps left to the strange black rock, the guild quickly killed varsoon and the scholar, with help from an honorary member Ceeyia. After that we decided to start (finish) the reaching blade of the assassin, which is another fast and fun heritage quest that doesn’t take too much work when you’re in your 40’s with a group of people who work fairly well together. After a brief break for dinner / food and bathroom breaks, we decided Everling had evaded us for far too long, and it was time to take him down a peg or two also. A few group members (myself included) needed the chapel Billy (who doesn’t love billy!) and we stood away from the nek castle zone in so that the scout could just zone in and out until we managed to hit an instance where he was already up. We’d already camped his sorry little moppet butt for an evening before, and no one was interested in trying that again. Killed the sisters for loot (hey, when did they revamp?!) and came away with my guise of the deceiver . The guild dinged 15, and half way through. Willamina also had a nice static exp group earlier on in the day, and managed to land level 40.. and not only 40, after all those heritage quests she managed level 41 by the end of the night, and 8ap. I’m quite pleased with her progress. Even though I really am taking my time with her and trying to enjoy things.

She got a new robe in nek, pretties are always fun. I think everyone had a good time as well, which is always a nice bonus. I almost managed to clear my quest journal enough to have room for 20 more.. but.. as always happens I ended up snatching more quests and I’m now at room for 15 I think. It was still a fairly productive night.

Nomadic Gamer